
How To Craft a Gratitude Journal | Project Gratitude (and a bunch of free stuff)

How To Craft a Gratitude Journal | Project Gratitude (and a bunch of free stuff)  |  JamiePate.com

a month of gratitude

How is it even the beginning  of November already?

I tell ya?
Someone please tell me how this happens all the time.

October was full of plans and card making and gift purchasing and setting myself up for an easier Christmas. But...the best laid plans of mice and men yet again just don't always seem to work out.

This Project Gratitude, I have great plans for it. It was suppose to be launched last week. The idea was to get some prep work done so that we could just slide right into November 1 and get to the gratituding. New word alert. Yep. I made that up.

So, before we get too started here, I have a 'here's the thing' for you.

How To Craft a Gratitude Journal | Project Gratitude (and a bunch of free stuff)  |  JamiePate.com

Here's the thing, just because we think that a project should start right on the 1st of a month does not really mean that a project has to start on the 1st of the month.

How To Craft a Gratitude Journal | Project Gratitude (and a bunch of free stuff)  |  JamiePate.com

Just because I have provided for you 30 prompts, we can just pick and choose what we want and do this how we want when we want.

Flexibility is the word here, my friends.

Hey, there's enough hard stuff happening in the world. Must we place ambitious journaling projects on us too? I think not. Let's just go slow for a change and see what comes of it.

How To Craft a Gratitude Journal | Project Gratitude (and a bunch of free stuff)  |  JamiePate.com

To start, I do have a Project Gratitude project up on the YouTube Channel. Be sure to check that out for some ideas on how to set up an easy journal to hold your photos or thoughts or art journaling. Did someone say art journaling?

But I digress.

How To Craft a Gratitude Journal | Project Gratitude (and a bunch of free stuff)  |  JamiePate.com

Next, be sure and take a look at THIS freebie download HERE. I have provided two things for you for your making pleasure.

How To Craft a Gratitude Journal | Project Gratitude (and a bunch of free stuff)  |  JamiePate.com

First, a 30 Days of Gratitude Journal Prompt. Or, this could be a photo prompt. These ideas are a little ambiguous on purpose. The thought was to not overthink the prompts. But to also make them very doable. And...to leave them open enough for your own interpretation. These are prompts. Not questions. These are just suppose to give a little nudge in a direction with the real goal of being mindful of the things that bring you gratitude. We may not realize how much of the little things bring us the joy that they do in this life. This is my little gift to you to just think about the things that I listed.

And again, you do NOT have to respond to every idea. There are no rules here, really.

How To Craft a Gratitude Journal | Project Gratitude (and a bunch of free stuff)  |  JamiePate.com

As seen earlier, there is also a download that is for the response. Your space for your journaling. I explain in the video how I am using all this. The goal really was to keep this very easy and a simple daily exercise. No real pressure here.

How To Craft a Gratitude Journal | Project Gratitude (and a bunch of free stuff)  |  JamiePate.com

The video that is included here walks you through how to put the journal together that is seen here. This is my official Project Gratitude for 2023. It really is making me ridiculously excited.

By way of a disclaimer, if you by chance come across this article later in the month of November, or you read this at some other time of the year, remember the no rules part. I want to invite you to take part in a gratitude journal at any time of the month. At any time of the year. The exercise of gratitude brings joy. And it is joy for you I am hoping.

Watch the video to make a practical journal that you can use at any time:

Hey friends...when you shop the links in this blog I receive a small kick back from your sales from ScrapbookCom and Heidi Swapp Shop. There is absolutely no extra cost to you at all! But these commissions help to cover the costs of this blog to provide you with project ideas. I want to continue to bring you FREE inspiration. Shopping these links allows me to do just that. I can't thank you enough for your love and continued support. Also, the opinions expressed in my blog and my YouTube Channel and all social platforms are independently my own.

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