
Looking For Tricks AND Treats? | What's Happening This Week

Looking For Tricks AND Treats? | What's Happening This Week | JamiePate.com

who is here for the treats?

This is a post of catching up a little bit as to the events, the classes, the happenings in and around our creative world. I call it What's Happening.

Coming this week:

Looking For Tricks AND Treats? | What's Happening This Week | JamiePate.com

Project Gratitude

My deepest apologies. Last week my mother was in the hospital for most of all week. As is true for all of us, family is priority. I decided to push back when I was going to release what I am calling Project Gratitude for the month of November. Be on the look out for that happening very soon.

Looking For Tricks AND Treats? | What's Happening This Week | JamiePate.com

Unedited Stamping Halloween Edition

Are you one for the spooky type makes this time of year? Heidi Swapp is sharing an unscripted streaming making event on her site. Click through HERE to discover all those details. Basically she is sharing, for five days, festive makes in an unedited manner. Almost like a Live but it's not. As a side note, you may or may not know I am not really one for the scary and creepy. I figure there is enough of that in our world why would I need to manufacture it. However, I AM one for seeing a maker craft an idea, then seeing how I can turn it to carry a different vibe? Who's with me? So. I'm a gonna do just that with this unedited class offering. Unedited Stamping Halloween can be found HERE.

Looking For Tricks AND Treats? | What's Happening This Week | JamiePate.com

Deals and Steals

That's what I am calling it. Because that is basically what ScrapbookCom offers weekly, and even almost daily. Always a reason to go check out their site to see what is a deal. And what they are practically letting you steal.

Today and I believe ending today is 8%. off your order.  Now, while 8% might not be sounding like a whole bunch, I look at it as covering a good chunk of my shipping costs. And that is something. 

Also, the Magical Paper Pad that went into the above little mini album? That is a free gift today. Not only that, but there is a video that is free to you of how I made that mini album. You can find said video HERE. Might be a great gift idea for someone on your list.

Thank you so much for stopping in and checking out this weeks good stuff. 

Let me know in the comments if this is helpful and what else you would love to see in this weekly article.

Hey friends...when you shop the links in this blog I receive a small kick back from your sales from ScrapbookCom and Heidi Swapp Shop. There is absolutely no extra cost to you at all! But these commissions help to cover the costs of this blog to provide you with project ideas. I want to continue to bring you FREE inspiration. Shopping these links allows me to do just that. I can't thank you enough for your love and continued support. Also, the opinions expressed in my blog and my YouTube Channel and all social platforms are independently my own.


  1. Definitely with you on the spooky, scary stuff...but I think we can always transfer ideas into something that fits who we are! On the other hand, my daughter will love doing the spooky stuff on an art day.

    1. We completely agree on this. And too...my kids loved the Pumpkin Tag I made. Paper crafting is such a flexible craft. We can make anything from anything.

  2. Hi Jamie. Praying your mom is well. I agree family is always a priority.

    1. I appreciate that so much. Have a lovely day.
