
Keeping It Spicy | Project Gratitude 2023


Keeping It Spicy | Project Gratitude 2023 | JamiePate.com

upcoming project announcement

It's the most wonderful time of the year. It really is. That said, I think any time of year is the most wonderful time of year. That does not mean things are perfect. Nope. Not even a little. It does make it challenging, however, that in order to not be too distracted by all the media wants to throw at you, that one needs to look for the good. The beautiful. The truthful. It's a full time job.

Now, check in with me in the winter, cause I can really struggle with the grey, cold days. I mean, it can be bad. #oof This year (and you would think I would know by now) I am purposing to be much more aware of how the weather can negatively affect me, and to be more creative about all that.

Pretty sure a greater exercise of gratitude is gonna be key.

That said I hinted in the video that I have linked below about a gratitude album for this November.

Keeping It Spicy | Project Gratitude 2023 | JamiePate.com

This week I received the new 49 and Market collection called Spice. It's full of spicy color and beautiful fall imagery and gratitude found vibes. I am here for all of it!

Keeping It Spicy | Project Gratitude 2023 | JamiePate.com

So now, consider this your heads up. Presently I am in the midst of working on ideas for this year's gratitude journal. I am dubbing it Project Gratitude

Spice will be the collection highlighted in this year's journal.

There will be daily prompts made available to you to participate in.

Included will be a fresh challenge as well. One that I have already been exercising in my own life. It's part of my 90 Day Intentions, and I will be sharing with you just what that is. This should all be launched by the middle of next week.

Keeping It Spicy | Project Gratitude 2023 | JamiePate.com

Using the 49 and Market Spice (and a little bit of Peach Color Swatch thrown in there) this project will also include videos through out the month.

Contained in these videos you will discover:

● how-to journal making

● page set up

● incorporating the prompts

● creating with Spice and Peach Color Swatch

● creative play that includes embellished clusters and rub-on transfer ideas

Keeping It Spicy | Project Gratitude 2023 | JamiePate.com

Gratitude is an exercise that has been an intentional part of my life for many years now. It's such a wildly important approach to life. It's not always easy. But nothing worth while is actually easy. However, creating along side a daily discipline brings with it all the mental health fitness that being creative provides.

Keeping It Spicy | Project Gratitude 2023 | JamiePate.com

I hope you will join this project this year.

I hope you dive into creating for the sake of documenting the things you are thankful for.

I hope too you will let me know in the comments if indeed this is a journey you will embark on this next month.

Hey friends...when you shop the links in this blog I receive a small kick back from your sales from ScrapbookCom and Heidi Swapp Shop. There is absolutely no extra cost to you at all! But these commissions help to cover the costs of this blog to provide you with project ideas. I want to continue to bring you FREE inspiration. Shopping these links allows me to do just that. I can't thank you enough for your love and continued support. Also, the opinions expressed in my blog and my YouTube Channel and all social platforms are independently my own.


  1. I understand, I struggle with Seasonal Depression & have as long as I can remember. It’s a huge battle not to give into that Giant!
    I’m looking forward to seeing all the 90 day project entails.
    Thank You Jamie for sharing!!!

  2. I usually don’t like to use the word “hate” but I hate winter! I’m like you- it depresses me so much and with my health challenges it makes things worse. Last winter was horrible in Utah and I know you had it rough in Colorado too. Praying this winter is mild. The best thing about winter is when it ends and it’s Spring and the flowers start popping, the butterflies start flying and the blue sky and sunshine returns. This gratitude journal is going to be beautiful. I’ve never made one but this year I might have to try. Can’t wait to see all the goodness you come up with!!!
