
The Complete Guide To What Is Happening Now

What's In My Cart | JamiePate.com

or...what's in my cart

You know when you have so much on your heart and mind? Lots you want to share with your friends? Photos and stories. Anecdotes and jokes?

Sort of how one is feeling this morning after a full weekend of SBC Fest 3. All the free inspiration. All those free gifts. All the making ideas. Not to mention the opportunity to pause with family from work and even a little rest from making.

This tends to bring one back to a new week ready to hit restart and begin again. Here for it!

With all that in mind, and with so much already happening now this week, I wanted to return to this format of sharing all in one place what is the complete (or as complete as I can get it) guide to what is happening now.

First...a thank you...

Free Cozy Wreath Die | JamiePate.com

Thank you for all the response and click throughs for SBC Fest. It was truly an amazing weekend of free video inspiration from the SBC. If you were not able to watch over the weekend, and to be honest I still need to catch up with a few makers, then you can CLICK THROUGH HERE to watch all the replay. Plus, there are time stamps included so that you can click to exactly who you want to watch.

FREE Cozy Wreath Die Set | JamiePate.com

And hey, did you know? The Cozy Wreath Die set, which is the SBCFest 3 give away this year, is still available? And it's still free! So here's a thought: if you already picked one up for yourself, well then...grab another in your next order and gift someone the Wreath Die who may not have otherwise received one themselves.

Speaking of your next order, I can honestly say this, because I placed an order over the weekend, but many of my 'notify me' products have just come in, and so today, Monday Sept 18, 2023, there is a coupon code for 8% off. And I for one am going to take advantage of that! Get this, the code is GRATEFUL. Isn't that an awesome code? It's like it's meant to be or something.

So, the moral of the story is: check out today's deals. Think about your gift list. Think about your make list. And let me share with you what's currently in my cart:

In My Cart:

Distress Mica Stain | JamiePate.com

Who is a fan of the Distress Mica Stain? This Set 6 is now available...er...actually available again as it has sold out already. So I had it on the 'notify me' status so I could order it and add to my growing collection. I love making with this Mica Stain Spray. You can watch THIS VIDEO here to see how I put a color to use already.

Distress Texture Paste Sparkle | JamiePate.com

This Sparkle Texture Paste sold out so quick with the first reveal that I may have to order two. Thinking I'm a gonna like this for not only fall and Christmas makes, but Valentines Day is always a great place for some sparkle. Oh the things we can make with Texture Paste Sparkle. Can't wait to get this!!!

The Complete Guide To What Is Happening Now | JamiePate.com

Stack N Store trays are back in stock!!! And in my cart!!! I LOVE THESE!

For those of you who watched the Studio Tour video, I have been asked about the bowls that stack and hold die cuts and what not. Well. That was a very bad tease on my part, as those bowls are no longer available. But, these trays are! And they are serving the same purpose for me. Especially when I am in the midst of making. You saw how so many crafters were using them over the weekend in SBC Fest3. Yeah. They are pretty much bomb!!! So. In my cart they go. 

Small Crafty Pouch | JamiePate.com

Today the Small Crafty Pouch is the free gift. I know, what??? I love these pouches. I'm a girl who likes to create little kits with the projects I am working on. As one who is always working on more than one project at a time, these are amazingly helpful to hold the materials that are part of each of the makes that are currently in, well, the make. You want this pouch. It's free! Drop it in your cart today!!!

Ok...the last thing I will share today is a twist on what's in my cart, and that is, what I have clicked to 'notify me' for when it does come into the website. And that is this collection:

Artoptions Spice 49 and Market | JamiePate.come

Artoptions Spice by Katie Pertiet and 49 and Market! Oh yes!!! How gorgeous is this collection? Pretty sure this is gonna be purchased in collection total! All of it. The fall making season is short. I already have my 9x12 Black Velvet Album I love to add fall stories too. So, check! The photos and stories will simply be everyday. Check! Now all I need is a fresh new collection that brings with it it's own set of inspiration to make and craft beautiful stories of this beautiful life right here.

So. That is what is happening now.

Let me know in the comments if this type posting is helpful and of value to you. Inquiring minds wanna know!


  1. Very cool to see what's in your cart. I'm just getting back into crafting and art after a bit of a hiatus. It helps me to see what's out there.

  2. Welcome back! You have no idea how glad I am for you! May you enjoy stepping back into the making. Let me know any questions you may have. Thanks for your comment too!

  3. Great purchase! Can’t wait to see you create with the 49 and Market! Thanks for sharing.
