
How to Grid a Grid Layout? | Free Photo Template

How to Grid a Grid Layout? | Free Photo Template | JamiePate.com

grid layouts for the win!

Who is here for a grid layout?
Why do you think we love a grid so much?
How do you use a grid page?

It seems to me from what you, my creative friends communicate, that there are a lot of us who can easily dive into a grid sketch for a layout. The thing about grids is that there are myriad ways to go about what could be called a grid.

The reason I think we love a grid page so much is the linear aspect of them. The 'squares' can be home to photo, journaling, or play. We can place photos in each of the spaces. Or mix in some journal spots. Or even in many instances, play in each of the homes. Have you ever done that before? Just added play to each of the homes in a grid? You should.

How to Grid a Grid Layout? | Free Photo Template | JamiePate.com

So then there is the question of how do you use a grid? 
In today's blog, as well as the video that accompanies this project, I am sharing just that. 
The above photo is the cover page image of the Beach Book. The insert is part of Heidi Swapp's Set Sail Collection. I am using the Palm Trees Notebook. I have been saving this Storyline Chapters style book just for this story I knew I would be able to tell after my September beach vacation.

How to Grid a Grid Layout? | Free Photo Template | JamiePate.com

The grid pages in this book (and stay tuned, there will be a walk through when the book is complete) holds each of the days. It's a highlight reel if you will. As I attempted to explain in the video, there are a lot of stories from this time away that I want to include in this beach book. But I'm starting with a grid page to bring all the day's events to one place. From there my mind is being triggered as to which of the stories I then want to process out in a deeper way.

How to Grid a Grid Layout? | Free Photo Template | JamiePate.com

That is how I am using this grid layout in this particular book.
But guess what? I have a gift for you. Just as I shared in THIS post last year, I am bringing it back again this year. The photo template for this grid page is a FREE DOWNLOAD for you here today.

How to Grid a Grid Layout? | Free Photo Template | JamiePate.com

My hope is that you will be inspired and motivated to tell the stories maybe you have not told yet. We are getting ready to jump into a busy making season. The gifts and the giving will take precedents here soon. And that's OK. But maybe you can have a past season story that you get to come to as you have time. With a grid photo template, the photos are sized already for you. The spaces are already set apart. All you have to do is decide what goes in those homes.

And that is just one way to grid a grid layout.

How to Grid a Grid Layout? | Free Photo Template | JamiePate.com

Be sure and watch the video too. There is more detail as to putting the grid page together. Plus a bit of philosophy behind the story telling decisions. And...a second page process is included too. Wow! That should keep a maker busy of a weekend. Unless...the sun is out and the air is warm and you find yourself out and about making memories. Because of course that takes priority!

 Download this free photo template HERE.

How to Grid a Grid Layout? | Free Photo Template | JamiePate.com

My hope of course, above all the making and the playing, that your story finds its way to the page too. You have so much insight. You get to see what only you can see. You know the facts, but the feelings and insights and wisdom need a home too. So as always, be sure to tell your story.


Hey friends...when you shop the links in this blog I receive a small kick back from your sales from ScrapbookCom and Heidi Swapp Shop. There is absolutely no extra cost to you at all! But these commissions help to cover the costs of this blog to provide you with project ideas. I want to continue to bring you FREE inspiration. Shopping these links allows me to do just that. I can't thank you enough for your love and continued support. Also, the opinions expressed in my blog and my YouTube Channel and all social platforms are independently my own

Heidi Swapp - Set Sail Collection - Notebooks - Palm Trees


  1. You are my inspiration. Beautiful layouts and photographs

    1. Thank you, kindly. I hope you are making lots of stories memories too.
