
The Best Solution For the Stuff | Work Space Wednesday


The Best Solution for the Stuff | Work Space Wednesday | JamiePate.com

what's pretty and functional

Hey, friends!

If you have been around this community for even a minute, then you may be aware of a favorite series on this blog: Work Space Wednesday. Click that to find a myriad of posts focused on being organized in your creative work space.

The quote that most inspires these articles is from that dude of old: Ben Franklin:

"For every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned."

The Best Solution for the Stuff | Work Space Wednesday | JamiePate.com

With that in mind, let's answer the prompt of today's title:

The Best Solution For the Stuff...

is what works for you.

Yep. That's my answer.

These posts here are simply testimonials of what is working best for me. With the hope that these ideas may be helpful for you.

Like this 5 Tiered Stadium Storage that is a new storage and organizational solution at ScrapbookCom. Isn't it so pretty? This has literally been sitting on my desk now for weeks. Currently I have one of these that holds Pops of Color and literally makes my work space so pretty. More on that in a moment.

But I will tell ya, I need another for all my spray inks too. Oh. And Oxide Ink Pads. It will hold 50 Pops of Color. 40 Distress Oxide Sprays. And 20 Oxide Ink Pads. Dang! 

What would you put in your 5 Tiered Storage Stadium?

The Best Solution for the Stuff | Work Space Wednesday | JamiePate.com

This little pretty image above is a bonus. However, it is an example of my actual making space. And how these new craft room solutions are being put to work and used daily.  These are truly great solutions for storing the stuff. 

Having these craft solutions has solved several issues for me in this small space:

1. I know what I actually have. That sounds silly. But it's easy for that 'gotta have product' to get buried under the other making stuff if there is not a home.

2. Having these storage solutions has encouraged the culling of items that I actually use. As I have brought new storing items in here, I have needed to make the decison: what do I really NEED to store on here? That has helped me know what I am not using too. I want this space to be useful. It's not a craft storage room. It's a crafting room. Can anyone relate?

3. If the products are visible and pretty (because you know...it's got to be pretty), it's a better guarantee I will use the products. If I have places that the stuff belongs in, then I know where it is. It's easy to grab and keeps the making happening.

The Best Solution for the Stuff | Work Space Wednesday | JamiePate.com

A bonus solution for having all these colors out on display here on my work space in the 5 Tiered Stadium is that I can see them. Yeah. I know. Profound. But what I mean by that is the chance to see the shades next to the other. To be able to pick out the best hue for the project at hand. Not only is this just super pretty on my work space, but it's super functional to see what I need to see. 

The Best Solution for the Stuff | Work Space Wednesday | JamiePate.com

My hope with this post today is to help you with your organizing. To share what's happening in this space that may indeed be helpful for you. To simply contribute a bit of storage inspiration.

Also, be sure to watch this video HERE. In that tutorial I am sharing more details about the 5 Tiered Stadium, and even a look at how to put it together.

Supply list here:


  1. Are those items on a desk that you work on or a counter that holds your supplies?

    1. Currently they are on the desk that I work on. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
