
Butterflies and the Joy of Making

Butterflies and the Joy of Making | JamiePate.com

let's have a little chat

At the risk of dating myself here, does anyone remember the Joy of Cooking cook book?

Well, my mom had a copy of that old school cook book. Do people even use cook books anymore?

There is reason for the asking. And it's that joy part. How about the Joy of Making? Perhaps that is what I should have called this blog. Jamie Pate and the Joy of Making.

And yet already I digress.

Butterflies and the Joy of Making | JamiePate.com

Perhaps you may or may not know, but I collaborate with Scrapbook.Com and they send me product and then that product is part of a freebie or a Livestream Bundle and so on.  

Well then, if you know this making girl at all, you may also know that I have this thing for butterflies. There is such joy to encounter one in my yard or even on the trail. There is joy to see them artistically rendered here and there. Then of course there are the butterflies that I seemingly collect that can be used in the making of stuff. Whether that is stamps or die cuts or rub ons. Heart be still! For the love of butterflies!

Butterflies and the Joy of Making | JamiePate.com

Well then, this week at Scrapbook.Com the free inspiration includes this Layered Butterfly die set that is a free gift on their site. Shipping still applies. But hecking heck? Free!!! Link through HERE for more details.

Butterflies and the Joy of Making | JamiePate.com 

So anyway, back to the real subject at hand. Butterflies. Making. Joy. Yes...that. So, the butterfly dies were sitting on my work space for a little bit. I tend to do that. Take an item out of the box. Then just let it sit around. We each getting use to the other. 

So...I kept looking at the set. Admiring the possibilities. And here is what I did. I just played. There was not a project end to accomplish. There was not another assignment or anything that I had to make for. It was just an opportunity to play. 

I. Love. That.

And I am wondering if we do that enough.

Are we project oriented and therefore have to have something to show for our time and efforts?

I know that can be me, big time. Needing to justify my time and so therefore something needs to get made or documented or tagged.


Butterflies and the Joy of Making | JamiePate.com

To be sure, I am not talking about just wasting the precious hours of our days and tending to nothing. Laundry, anyone? Obviously there are things to be done.

However, do we take the time, or plan some time, (there's the operative word) and then just find joy in the making and sort of just seeing where it goes? Do you do that?

Taking time to be creative and explore our craft enhances imagination. It creates the gift of discovery. It often leads to the freedom of finding new ideas and ways to do something. It helps us to think outside the box. Oh...and...very often, the fodder created in our joy of making session then creates a stash. A stash of premade elements that just might joyfully find their way on another make.

Wow. Isn't that fantastic. So many reasons to just make.

And so it is...

I invite you to also experience the joy of making.

Hey friends...when you shop the links in this blog I receive a small kick back from your sales from ScrapbookCom and Heidi Swapp Shop. There is absolutely no extra cost to you at all! But these commissions help to cover the costs of this blog to provide you with project ideas. I want to continue to bring you FREE inspiration. Shopping these links allows me to do just that. I can't thank you enough for your love and continued support. Also, the opinions expressed in my blog and my YouTube Channel and all social platforms are independently my own.

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