
An Idea That Will Change Your Making Sessions | Tip Tuesday


An Idea That Will Change Your Making Sessions | Tuesday Tip

don't just do this once

Do you follow this community on Facebook?

The reason I'm asking is that for one: I would just like for you to be a part of that.

And for two, I like to ask questions on that platform. Mostly because I'm just nosey. But mostly because I always learn so much from other creatives and crafty types. It broadens my ideas and inspiration. We need each other for our creativity. This is why I ask questions.

An Idea That Will Change Your Making Sessions | Tuesday Tip

On that their social platform recently this question was asked:

"Are you in the habit, when you have pulled out all your favorite collections and dies and what not, to then make more than one project?"

If you would like to weigh in on that particular question you can find that HERE.

To be honest, I was kind of surprised to find that for those who answered my inquiry, that no, makers stayed super focused on the one project and that was really all that they worked on.

I found that very interesting.

An Idea That Will Change Your Making Sessions | Tuesday Tip

The idea, then, for today's Tip Tuesday, is this: make more than one thing. Yep. Pretty simple, no? Yes! 

It's a habit I actually want to be better at. Now, there could be all kinds of reasons makers are not fond of this. Perhaps we can address some of those thoughts in a Work Space Wednesday post. And trust me, I'm not here to judge at all. Obviously, we all go about our making the way we need to go about our making. Just like everything else. There is no right or wrong thing going on here.

But might I suggest this tip: make more than one thing. OK. Now I'm just repeating myself.

For a recent reference, take a look at THIS post here. It's a little example of just what I am talking about.

An Idea That Will Change Your Making Sessions | Tuesday Tip

Now. Let me do a little small segue way here, I am indeed promoting this Sunflower Emboss and Die Set. Because this week it's free while supplies last. You can find that HERE.

But what I really want you to pay attention to is that these flowers here in this post were cut out and assembled during the same making sesh as these flowers in THIS post from yesterday.

Now why do I think this may be of some creative importance? Because I find when cutting with a die, and all my papers are out, that I can ask myself this question: what if I try this? Which usually provides a whole other set of makes. Which then really inspires me. And then I make more stuff.

And when you are making stuff you are not worrying about stuff so just keep making more stuff so you won't worry. That tip there was free.

An Idea That Will Change Your Making Sessions | Tuesday Tip

So, with that, I do hope indeed, you will find the freedom to expand your making, make more than one thing. Make parts of things for the next time you have making time. Remember to place the pre-made embellishment where you are sure to find it. Ready for when you need an already assembled sunflower. And enjoy this tip. 

Thank you for reading today's post.

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1 comment:

  1. I knew you were of the kind of us who has to stay super focused on just what the project needs!😅😅😀 And that is not just a judgement but truly a great tip. Have yellow out to cut the sunflowers but also pulling out the pink to make a tag...go ahead...make a stack of pink flowers from the excess and a bunch of yellow tags from that piece. Or heck make eight flowers 4 pink, 4 yellow and then the same for tags!! 😊
