
A New Trick For the Page | Scrapbook Layout

A New Trick For the Page | Scrapbook Layout | JamiePate.com

 a curious layout

This is the part of the show where we get back to the story.

To storytelling.

A New Trick For the Page | Scrapbook Layout | JamiePate.com

A rather simple approach to story telling in a way.

In a way that I show how this page layout is put together from start to finish in this week's video.

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A New Trick For the Page | Scrapbook Layout | JamiePate.com

The trick I added to this 6x8 page that will live in my Storyline Chapters was to create a pocket from an A2 Card Cover. In the video it evades me what exactly that die is called in the above image. But now I know...Geo Squares. Of course! Why could I not think of that?

A New Trick For the Page | Scrapbook Layout | JamiePate.com

The other star of this video process was this little miniature Cozy Foliage cluster. There we talk a little bit about how the colors came to be. And then how to tuck it and hide the end parts. Not brain surgery at all. Just some simple paper crafting.

A New Trick For the Page | Scrapbook Layout | JamiePate.com

Find this little quote to be oh so inspiring. You are welcome.

A New Trick For the Page | Scrapbook Layout | JamiePate.com

While all the things were still sitting on my table, I crafted a couple other makes. I'm really trying to be in a better habit of that. If we are going to go to the trouble to make one thing should we not make a couple of things.

But let's be honest, this was truly about clustering the Cozy Foliage (new leaf dies from ScrapbookCom). These might be my new favorite dies. There are like a ton of them in one package. OK, no. That's not true. Mainly because we don't quantify a number of something with a 'ton'. Oof. But to be sure, there are 13 pieces in that one set. And in my opinion, these cuts span the seasons. So there's that.

A New Trick For the Page | Scrapbook Layout | JamiePate.com

Do you see a little theme going on here? This was a fun making session. Was even able to craft this little mini layout. It's so cute. It's not big. Only about 4x4 inches. And...I adore it. 

So, what do I hope for you today?

I hope for you to have time to tell your story. To put the paper and photo on the page. To pull out your favorite dies. And...above all...to have fun.

Oh...and to also enjoy this process video:

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