
How-To Craft a Flippy Kinda Card | National Card Month

How-To Craft a Flippy Kinda Card | National Card Month | JamiePate.com

free card making class

Hello friends...

and have I got a card for you!

How-To Craft a Flippy Kinda Card | National Card Month | JamiePate.com

You have already read my little National Card Making rant over HERE. But we are upping the joy and the inspiration with an actual F R E E class of making this Flippy Kinda Card.

Dang. That's what I should have officially called this card. It just now came to me. Delayed intelligence, I guess.

How-To Craft a Flippy Kinda Card | National Card Month | JamiePate.com

You may or may not have already seen variations of this card. You can view one HERE. It's also talked about HERE as well.

How-To Craft a Flippy Kinda Card | National Card Month | JamiePate.com

This card comes with lots of layers. But also with ideas for DIY embellishments. You know that layers are a favorite around here. In this free class you will learn how to craft the oh so simple base of this card. Once the base is crafted, you can add or not add to the base to your heart's content.

How-To Craft a Flippy Kinda Card | National Card Month | JamiePate.com

It's basically just creating a way to add even more layers. And I really did not even add that many. Certainly there is plenty of room for even more. It's one of those cards that is very customizable. That's what I most love to do: teach a doable template of an idea, and then encourage all my crafty friends to then take it away. Make it your own.

Watch this video to see how this card is made:

How-To Craft a Flippy Kinda Card | National Card Month | JamiePate.com

Oh...and in case I forget, thank YOU!!! Thank you for being such a wonderful community of card loving, tag making, memory documenting friends. We area believers in the idea that all this making supports the idea of telling our story. So with that, once again, I'm going to encourage you once again: Share your heart, your love, and your story with someone you love with this Flippy Kinda Card. 

Happy National Card Month!!!

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