
It's National Craft Month | March 2023

It's National Craft Month | March 2023 | JamiePate.com

wait...what did you say?

Yes, friends. You heard it right. It's National Craft month round here. And if maybe you do not live in this nation, well then, pretend. Because that's fun too.

So, pray tell, you say, just what does it mean to be a National Month of Craft?

Well, in all honesty, National Craft Month was developed by the craft industry to encourage those who may not have exercised the art of making something in a while to do just that, make something. It also stems from the idea that the winter has been long, it's now time to break out of the old and tap into something new and craft! It's time to bloom into one's creativity. Did you see what I did there?

If you are a follower here on the blog, then you know that I for one am here for it. I am here for the making!

It's National Craft Month | March 2023 | JamiePate.com

Ok. So, now that we got that settled, what's the point of this post? Well...glad you asked that as well. For you see it has been a few years now that I have actively been celebrating National Craft Month in a very purposeful way. And that has been the making of MemoryDex cards. Daily. Or at least mostly daily. For the whole month.This has been an intentional pursuit now for about four years. 

You can find some of those posts HERE
As well as HERE

It's National Craft Month | March 2023 | JamiePate.com

If you are new to MemoryDex let me introduce you. The most basic way to call this craft form is it is the making of an artistic 'Rolodex' card. Think ATC's. These 4x3 cards are then, traditionally anyway, stored on a MemoryDex spinner. 

Back in the day, when Heidi Swapp first introduced this art form, the collection included a paper punch in which to give the cards that traditional 'rolodex' tab cut so the card could fit in the Spinner.  Also included were MemoryDex dies to be able to die cut different mediums so they too could sit in the Spinner. Plus, collections of MemoryDex cards were sold that one could add embellishment, stamps, or paper just like one would a card front or a tag.

It's National Craft Month | March 2023 | JamiePate.com

Unfortunately, not much of that previous collection is still available. However, that does not stop the die hard lovers of MemoryDex from figuring it out. And figuring out we have!

It's National Craft Month | March 2023 | JamiePate.com

I just so happen to have several Spinners and have filled them heartily through the years. The exercise of creating a MemoryDex card is a wonderful creative practice. These cards are small and simple and can be kept very doable, or layered with embellishment galore. It's an opportunity to practice a technique and then have a unique way to store the card. There are crafters who swatch ink or stencils or even die cuts on their cards and organize them that way. MemoryDex is a very versatile way to be creative.

This week the YouTube channel will be host to a new video celebrating MemoryDex and this year's Craft Month. There I will be sharing several ideas for making MemoryDex cards even if you do not have a stitch of the collection. You won't have to have a Spinner to store them or dies to cut them. The concept still works even without those tools. 

It's National Craft Month | March 2023 | JamiePate.com

Now...I can't promise a MemoryDex Card a day this National Craft Month. But I will for sure be dabbling often this month as I allow myself to make for making sake, which just so happens to be a great reason for MemoryDex. There does not have to be a reason for the making. It is as simple as honing the time to make, as well as keeping it small and doable. Always a great combination.

Keep an eye out for that new video coming this week. And let me know in the comments what your experience, or not, with MemoryDex is. I would certainly love to hear from you.


  1. I have really enjoyed my Memorydex. I purchased it last year after watching some of your videos. I have not been disappointed. I have mine on the shelf so that I see it right when I go in my craft room. Whether it is a dear picture on a decorated card or a Scripture verse, it just makes me happy. Martha

    1. Totally get that, Martha! Think your testimonial completely captures the uniqueness of this creative outlet. Thank you.
