
The Importance of a Gift Handmade | Valentines Love Notes

The Importance of a Gift Handmade | Valentines Love Notes | JamiePate.com

gifting our love

It’s the weekend before Valentine’s Day. I have seen so much pink and red flying around lately. Can’t say I hate that at all. 

The Importance of a Gift Handmade | Valentines Love Notes | JamiePate.com
Interactive card inspired by Heidi Swapp's Love Notes Series

We all know what it is to receive the gift of a card in the mail, yes?  Yes. 

Getting real mail is truly one of the most simplest of gifts to receive. But wait. Maybe not, actually. If we are the receiver all we do is open our mail box and out pops a card or flat mail. But for the giver? so much more than that goes into that mailed item. 

The Importance of a Gift Handmade | Valentines Love Notes | JamiePate.com

But wait…if the giver is a maker…well…we don’t just send any card or tag or flat mail. Nnnnnnooooo. Unheard of, right?  Because we are in fact makers, we in fact have to make said card. And there’s more. It actually starts before the making, am I right?

The Importance of a Gift Handmade | Valentines Love Notes | JamiePate.com

First and foremost we have to think of the thing we want to make. We have to have a plan. What exactly are we going to make, what does that look like…and then…

Then we have to gather the things. You know. Our stash. We need to bring all the goods together in a cohesive manner so that the thing we are thinking of making in fact has a beginning. 

The Importance of a Gift Handmade | Valentines Love Notes | JamiePate.com

Then the making can begin. Ah the best part in my opinion. If you are like me this can become a very meditative exercise in this lovely past time. Especially if we are making something for a specific person. It’s a great quiet time to think of that human. To pray for them. To give them some of our mental energy. Do you do this? Do you think if the crafting of the item as a meditative exercise? It can be such a meaningful aspect of the creative process. Would love to encourage you in this if you do not already.

Let me know in the comments how this goes for you.

The Importance of a Gift Handmade | Valentines Love Notes | JamiePate.com

So now our project is made. Be it a tag or a card or an interactive tag-card, it now needs to be mailed. At this point it probably needs a special envelope in which to be mailed in. Again. Not just any envelope. But…yes…you said it: one in which we have made. Handmade for the win!

Now and only now is this handcrafted gift ready to be sent out to that special someone. It can be hand delivered. Or it can be mailed. Either way. It’s a fine and intentionally handmade masterpiece crafted in love. 

The Importance of a Gift Handmade | Valentines Love Notes | JamiePate.com

Yep. Not just any card. But rather a gift. Made with love. 

Thank you for reading this post. I hope you too find inspiration to share your love in a hand crafted way, this season and all seasons.

Find all the details to how this project came together in Heidi Swapp's Love Notes Video Series found HERE.

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