
The Importance of Gratitude | Gratitude Journal 2022


The Importance of Gratitude | Gratitude Journal  2022 | JamiePate.com

a single most important ingredient

This post is brought to you by the following quote:

As this blog is directed towards readers who are crafty, creative, and story tellers, I know you are going to get the following emotion, and that is: you know that feeling when you are making something, I mean it can be anything, a tag or card or page layout, or even simply putting pretty stuff in a junk journal, and you step away and smile and sigh? That's what I call creative gratitude. It's that joy that comes with the making of a thing that adds beauty to not only our world but to the world in general.


The Importance of Gratitude | Gratitude Journal  2022 | JamiePate.com

When that happens, in that moment, we are bring an extra something to an otherwise ordinary day. I really believe that. The time we take to craft something on a surface, it brings joy to the ordinary. And with that, I think that is why crafty people, especially in this hobby, are so happy. They know what it is to make something. To hold it in their hand. And to delight in the plain canvas turned into something special.

The Importance of Gratitude | Gratitude Journal  2022 | JamiePate.com

That! all in and of itself, is extraordinary, in my opinion. But maybe we have become a little numb to that. Maybe we don't think too much anymore of our ability to make wonderful makes. Well then, my hope is that this post will remind you of the importance of gratitude for the things that might otherwise seem ordinary. 

The Importance of Gratitude | Gratitude Journal  2022 | JamiePate.com

OK...I think I have said this more times than I can count on my hands, but gratitude gets to be expressed by us in the act of making. I mean, really, think about it? Have you ever come away from a completed project in tears? Well, I mean, maybe if you are documenting a loved one who has died, or you are chronicling a difficult time in your life. But even still...even in that isn't there gratitude to be found?

The Importance of Gratitude | Gratitude Journal  2022 | JamiePate.com

Let me explain it like this: I have a dear cousin who died just about 18 months ago. She was only about 3 years older than I. And you know when someone close to your age, and when -eh hem- are really not that old in the first place, dies before you, it causes a bit of inner turmoil to be sure. But let me get to my point: Her photo is up in my front room on the occasion of a wedding. There are several of us cousins together. We are just laughing and enjoying the joy of the moment. That photo, and I see it daily, brings me gratitude for having known her and to have shared in her life. This is what I am talking about. This is the importance of gratitude. That even in the middle of my day maybe dusting around those photos I find an extraordinary moment in the knowledge of that human. And I am thankful.

The Importance of Gratitude | Gratitude Journal  2022 | JamiePate.com

If you have been around here on this here blog for a minute, then you know my daily habit of writing down 5 things I am thankful for daily. It's only because it has literally been life changing for me. Then the daily opportunity to make with my hands, an extension of that gratitude, is joy doubled. I have to share this with you, my friends! I want for you too to experience gratitude. Because here's the thing: Thanksgiving (USA) is upon us this week. But my hope for you all is that you too will continue to transform your common days into daily Thanksgivings as well.

I hope you will share with me in the comments below how gratitude is important to you.

Friends, I want to tell you how thankful I am for you! I am grateful when you click through one of these links and purchase those items that will contribute to your making and to your gratitude. This blog and the YouTube tutorials I create are supported by your clicking through these affiliate links. It costs you nothing extra at all.  I could not do it without you. Thank you!


  1. Just found your blog and everything is so beautiful and inspiring! What a great encouragement to get back to my crafting ❤️

  2. And I am so grateful for you. As I read your blog, I thought of something that happened to me recently. Our little girl is in Heaven today. She lived less than one day. We were in West Texas at the time and the issues she was born with required surgery by a specialist. Shortly after birth she was taken to San Antonio for immediate surgery. My husband went there to be with her. Because of her condition, I could touch her before she left but I never held her in my arms. She survived surgery, but died a little later. They let my husband hold her for a while after she was gone. For years I felt so bad that I didn’t get to hold her. She would have been 40 this month. Several months ago, I was thinking about that time and still so sad about not getting to hold her. All of a sudden it was like a still sweet feeling came over Me and I felt God’s love so strong and I realized… I held her…closer than anyone held her. For 9 1/2 months, I held her. She heard my heartbeat. She knew me and I kept her secure and warm. How precious is a God who cares enough to comfort your heart in a moment like this. So very grateful! And I WILL see Linsey again. God bless you and yours! Martha

    1. Oh. Martha. My eyes are welling up. This story. Ah. Life is so very fragile. Yet we go on like everything will just last forever. But it doesn't does it? Gracious, this story is so beautiful. So touching. Cannot thank you enough for sharing. I'm deeply touched that you did.
