
Amazing Ways with Stamp Society | September Stamp Society

Amazing Ways with Stamp Society | September Stamp Society | JamiePate.com

this might be a favorite

Heidi Swapp has designed some amazing stamps. It's been almost two years of her stamp subscription Stamp Society. Each month's new stamp always feels like a must have.

Amazing Ways with Stamp Society | September Stamp Society | JamiePate.com

September's Stamp Society was no less so. Now. While I am part of her media team, I strive to only put forth an authentic take on her products. So believe me when I say that I think September's Stamp may just have been my favorite. I think I gasped when I opened the package.

Amazing Ways with Stamp Society | September Stamp Society | JamiePate.com

As you can see in the tags that I made with this set, the florals are perfect. They can be used in differing ways. The above image shows how simple you can stamp stems, and then a flower on top. I also used one of the Heidi Swapp Envelope Dies and stamped florals and leaves all along the edge. This is an easy make to craft and then give to someone who just might need a reminder that everyday is indeed a fresh start.

Amazing Ways with Stamp Society | September Stamp Society | JamiePate.com

As I was finishing this little tag, I grabbed the September Stop the Blur kit for the washi. The stripes perfectly completed this little tag. Along with the reinforcer at the stop from the Adventurers collection. And here's a tip: when you have some time to just make, pull together your colors from different collections. It's amazing what goes together and compliments your make. Plus a great way to use up that stash.

Amazing Ways with Stamp Society | September Stamp Society | JamiePate.com

As fall fell here in these parts, I have been mesmerized by the landscape. My early morning walks have kept me watching for the subtle hues and colors in not only the changing of the leaves, but also in the dried foliage as well. Literally the environment around me inspired the Distress Oxide Colors I used here on this tag and the following. I could hardly believe how easy the layering of the florals came together. 

Amazing Ways with Stamp Society | September Stamp Society | JamiePate.com

I think that is a testimony to take time to pay attention to what is around you. To slow it down. To breathe it all in. And this I say to myself more than anyone having come off a very busy season of commitments and now analyzing if that was a good thing or not. Ha! Which is another amazing way with stamping: you have to slow down to stamp. It can't be a rush job. And if you are like me, you can't have a screen playing and then also create a good make. I can't be distracted. To make what is in front of me amazing, it needs my attention. But then what happens? I receive the gift of slowing down, of listening to my thoughts, of being in the moment. Hence, the gift of making. The slow. The purposeful. The pretty stuff. It all feeds the other.

Here's to amazing stamps and stamping. And the gift that we receive in the making.

Listed below a few of my favorite Distress Oxides:


  1. I couldn't agree more!!!!! Now...where do you get that uber thin twine? By the way, I made way too many leaves after "what's that leaf business" video. #addictive

    1. Can we have too many leaves? I think not. LOL. The twine is from May Arts. I'm a gonna try and get that in my shop here soon. I get so many questions about it. And thank you!
