
Where To Find Inspiration | SBC Fest Followup

Where To Find Inspiration | SBC Fest Followup | JamiePate.com

thoughts on SBC Fest

It's the week after the long awaited SBC Fest weekend. And what a fantastic weekend that was!!! Did you attend? Are you able to watch the replay? What did you think?

Where To Find Inspiration | SBC Fest Followup | JamiePate.com

Not only was SBC Fest F R E E for the viewing, one can still go back and re-watch all of it. Or their favorite classes. Or pause and start again and play right a long. I know that is what I have been doing.

But you know what else? All this inspiration. All these ideas. And now the opportunity make it your very own.

Sure. You could completely copy these ideas and projects and techniques. I know that's what I am inviting you to do with my class (which, btw is Day 2 at time stamp: 2:35). Copy away. Replicate the techniques exactly. It's yours. That's why I made the project.

But then what I want you to think about is how much inspiraiton was at this event. And how may ways you can go about making a thing. It might not ever look like the thing you started it out to look like. That's the holy wonderful thing about inspiration. Tweek this. Tweek that. And it's a whole new project all together.

Where To Find Inspiration | SBC Fest Followup | JamiePate.com

Here is an example of what I am talking about. Laura Graff made this Nested Pocket Accordion book and shared with us all the ways to craft it for ourselves. Now. While I took the skeleton of this idea of a mini album and crafted a similar album, I made some changes right at the start. My papers are lined up different. I do not have as many pockets as her album. And the very front of the album is not die cut like hers is. 

I made it my own.

Even this first tag. It's completely different from how her first tag was crafted.

I am pretty sure this is an elementary concept I am sharing here today. At the same time, I felt it important to reiterate it here. Sharing some of the makes that I made while watching the broadcast. Because there is something very important I want you to remember:

I want you to remember to make. I know you are busy. I know the calendar is full. But the creativity is so important. It's just that I would hate for all this inspiration to go to waste. Use it up. It's yours. Not only that, the inspiration is endless if you just change things up even a little bit. I could not love that more!

Where To Find Inspiration | SBC Fest Followup | JamiePate.com

Here is another great example. This layout was birthed from Shimelle's class. Like I will say about everything I made from the classes this past weekend, it looks not at all like her layout.

Her layout is 12x12.

Mine is 6x8.

Her layout is very colorful.

Mine stayed with just a few colors.

Her layout had a lot of stamping.

Mine has none.

You get the idea, right?

Where To Find Inspiration | SBC Fest Followup | JamiePate.com

Can you guess which instructor inspired this make?

Probably not.

Simon Hurley.

Yep. NOTHING like what he made. 

The only thing similar to his project (and he made several) was the way I fussy cut this Wildflower Stamp set as encouraged by his fussy cutting.

The other thing I 'copied' was how he layered the hello to create depth and dimension.

That is pretty much it. And I love what I made. Probably would not have created this if I had not seen and been inspired by what he was making.

Where To Find Inspiration | SBC Fest Followup | JamiePate.com

Finally for today, as I am not done making from the ideas found over the weekend, is this tag as inspired by Vicki Boutin. Right?

She is the queen of brights.


Not really.

But, her ideas encouraged this make. It was an exercise in using Pops of Color through a stencil in a partial kind of way. Doing the same and then cutting butterflies out of the background. I just took that and made a little tag, as opposed to an entire layout that she made. But! I am for sure going to craft a layout based on the sketch she shared.

Whew! This was so much fun. Frankly, I think I just needed a shot in the arm by way of creativity and inspiration. That is exactly what happened. My hope more than anything is that you found that shot in the arm too. That you found some fresh ideas. And that you too will be making beautiful makes.

Would love to hear from you in the comments your thoughts about the weekend.

supplies found below:


  1. Thank you so much for all the inspiration!! Is that a roll of twine on your desk..? I love everything you use :)

    1. Hello! Yes. That is a roll of twine on my desk. LOL. I do love using that. That's for sure.
