
What is World Card Making Week All About? | WCMD October 1

What is World Card Making Week All About? | WCMD October 1 | JamiePate.com

it's world card making day (week)


When I first started out scrapbooking, I was also in the throes of card making. Well. Actually. The card situation goes back farther than that. As early as elementary I had pen pals. Of course, we didn't really make and send cards. But the hunt for stationery and such was a pretty big deal to me in those days. Paper by the pound. Do you remember that?

What is World Card Making Week All About? | WCMD October 1 | JamiePate.com

So here now, World Card Making Day is a full blown event. So much so that it can't be handled in just one day. We are taking it to a whole week. Which, works for me. The idea being that we get ready all week for the actual making on the actual day. October 1st.

What is World Card Making Week All About? | WCMD October 1 | JamiePate.com

So a short little history here to fuel the why of Card Making Day. 

I don't think any of us doubt that crafting cards is an art form. The Victorians made cards significant from calling cards to mourning cards to dance cards. Including the most elaborate Valentines cards. The earliest idea of cards goes back to those early Victorian days. 

Fast forward to the 21st century. We now have a day in which to celebrate the making of cards. Paper Crafts Magazine unwittingly 'crafted' this special day back in 2006. I for one am thankful. It's now a whole week of card crafting!

What is World Card Making Week All About? | WCMD October 1 | JamiePate.com

One of the reasons for this day is to kick off the 'card making' season. It's an opportunity to get a start on those holiday cards we intend to send. So why not make a party of it? Invite some friends. Pull out all the pretty things. Make a cake. Celebrate what might seem like a little thing, and give it a promotion to a full blown craft party.

What is World Card Making Week All About? | WCMD October 1 | JamiePate.com

It's a simple thing, really, the sending of cards. But the uplifting and encouraging it brings to the recipient is something not to be ignored. Making cards brings joy. Sending cards brings joy. It's not only about the crafting of the things, but as I have often 'preached' here before, it's the thought and care that goes into the handcrafting of the item. It elevates the giving when it's hand made. 

What is World Card Making Week All About? | WCMD October 1 | JamiePate.com

I hope you will stay tuned this week as I continue to address card making. The how to celebrate. Card facts. And why we love cards and Card Making Day.

And while I won't go into all the details right this moment,  ScrapbookCom is celebrating this card making week with multiple give aways every day. EVERY DAY! You can check that out HERE.

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