
A Simple Power of Memory Planner | new Stop the Blur

A Simple Power of Memory Planner | new Stop the Blur | JamiePate.com

Memory Planner perspective

Something I read just this morning was an encouragement to learn something new every day. The thought of being eager to see a novel idea daily. To discover a fresh something that adds to this existence.

One can sort of do life in rote, right? I mean. A lot of being human is lived like that. So when it occurred to me recently that I discovered a new observation with regards to Memory Planning, I was a little lit. This notion is shared in this month's Memory Planner Walk Through on my YouTube Channel. However, the need to chat about it a bit more in this post is ruminating in my brain.

A Simple Power of Memory Planner | new Stop the Blur | JamiePate.com

As I was working through the pages of August, catching up, if you will, it dawned on me, that of course, this is more than memory keeping. For some of us, our Memory Planner pages are more personal than our scrapbook pages. I know for me the albums of layouts that I keep are more for public consumption. My memory planners, are a tad more personal. These pages contain more of what is happening to me, my feels, my observations, what have you.

So back to August pages. As I was crafting these and looking at my daily notebook I keep, it became a kind of examination into life. Life right now. Especially since I was working on these pages within a month or so of the happenings. It then showed itself as an exercise to check the pulse on the ebb and flow of life right here and now. Does that make sense?

I may explain it better in the video.

A Simple Power of Memory Planner | new Stop the Blur | JamiePate.com

What I found was sort of what I already knew, but the reality became very clear to me as I was filling in the daily pages in the weeks of my Memory Planner. And what I found was this: I am really working a lot! Now, don't misunderstand me. Nothing wrong with work. Nothing wrong with working a lot. Nothing wrong with being productive. I knew I was in the midst of a season of a lot of deadlines and sort of non stop-ness. But here's the thing: watching that unpack on the pages like it did this past month was an examination into how I had lived life, what I may need to adjust, and how I wanted the live out the next 30 days.

Does this ruminate with anyone else?

A Simple Power of Memory Planner | new Stop the Blur | JamiePate.com

This was actually a fantastic meditation. And that is a post for another time: creative journaling and scrapping by way of meditation. Here is what it came down to: I am very grateful for my life. Deeply thankful for my family. I love my work. But there have been some misses to the whole life I would like to live. The past many weeks have been out of balance. And again. That's OK. Life is like that, right? Life is hard. And in no way perfect. But that might be because we are simply taking too many things on. And I hate that! I want to do all the things! (And I did have to turn something down this past month that I regretted doing, and it keeps rearing it's lovely head to me reminding me I turned it down...LOL...but I digress).

A Simple Power of Memory Planner | new Stop the Blur | JamiePate.com

OK. So. Wow! I feel even more grateful now to have found this lovely examination of current life. Memory Planner, the exercise in printing photos (or not printing photos if that is the case), the exercise in journaling and filling in the days, this exposed aspects of my life that for certain need to be examined. And I am so very grateful for that too. This new observation is worth taking time to fill in the pages.

A Simple Power of Memory Planner | new Stop the Blur | JamiePate.com

My hope, if you have made it this far, is that you too will contemplate the power of Memory Planner. To allow the nuance of the creativity to wash over you and help you to see life as it needs to be seen. To make adjustments, if needed. Or to be crazy grateful for the life you are living. The unexamined life is not worth living, so Socrates has told us. Hmm...too bad he didn't have a Memory Planner in which to examine his own life.

For a deeper dive into these pages and more thoughts on the power of Memory Planner I invite you to watch this month's Memory Planner August Walk Through:

You can find all Heidi Swapp planner and stamp subscriptions right HERE.

Would love to hear from you in the comments below how Memory Planner and Stop the Blur is contributing to your life.

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