
Brand new Distress Color : Uncharted Mariner


Brand New Distress Color: Uncharted Mariner | JamiePate.com

brand new color. brand new vibe!!!

Welcome to today's blog post...

thank you so much for being here.

I do not think I have been so excited about a new Distress color. Ok...well...Saltwater Taffy is still way up there...but I did not get that one early...but I DID get a sneak stab at the new Uncharted Mariner Distress Color.

And friends...you are gonna want this color fo' sho!!!

Brand New Distress Color: Uncharted Mariner | JamiePate.com

First just let me share a disclaimer:
When I receive a new color like this here Uncharted Mariner, I tend to focus way in on just the color.  I have not really started to palette this up with other Distress offerings. So it's a bit of a stark contrast to the other recent projects I have been working on. But I'm embracing that and all the wash of this fantastic hue of blue, teal and even sneaks of purple in this new color.

Brand New Distress Color: Uncharted Mariner | JamiePate.com

I have a video tutorial outlining exactly how this layout came together and how I used the Uncharted Mariner to craft this page. I was so happy to have the Distress Ink for the phrase embellishments here. Distress Ink makes for a very clear stamp when one is stamping words. 

Brand New Distress Color: Uncharted Mariner | JamiePate.com

You will see in the video how I gave the Make Today Count die cut hover over the page and still give a peek to the inked background. These concepts I outlined here are very doable. Stayed with one color. Used some fairly straightforward stenciling and inking. I think even in it's simplicity this page really highlights the beauty of Uncharted Mariner.

Brand New Distress Color: Uncharted Mariner | JamiePate.com

The pattern work on a page is tried and true and and often repeated page building technique. I share the all the details to craft this on a page so that you too can make it just the same. Or find your own way. 


Brand New Distress Color: Uncharted Mariner | JamiePate.com

I hope this post and the following video wows you to the new Uncharted Mariner just as it did me. I hope you find some doable techniques to create page backgrounds with one ink color. As well as layer in some easy to do embellishments to bring that photo that is on your mind to life on a page.

Find this week's video here:

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