
How To Scrapbook With No Mojo | National Scrapbook Week

How To Scrapbook With No Mojo | National Scrapbook Week | JamiePate.com

what to do?

Do you ever lose your mojo?
You know...
your motivation to scrap the story?
If you don't that's fantastic. You should be writing this post then...LOL...and tell the rest of us how to keep that inspiration going.
Here's my little story.

How To Scrapbook With No Mojo | National Scrapbook Week | JamiePate.com

I had this photo sitting on my table for a few days now. This is one of my big stories as I catch up on some weekly family pages. I want to be able to share with you all an updated book by the end of this week.

I may have bitten off more than I can chew.

But here's what happened. Obviously the page was made. It was made indeed, but there was some consternation in the midst.

How To Scrapbook With No Mojo | National Scrapbook Week | JamiePate.com

You can't tell, but the page this background paper is adhered to is ripped. Yep. That's right. I had an almost complete layout done on the actual page of this Storyline Chapters Insert. Until I realized I did not like it. So I moved some things around. Still. Did not like it. 

This went on for awhile. Perhaps too long.

Then all of a sudden I was like, "I'm done! I can't do this. This is not working. I can't find my vision. I'm done."

How To Scrapbook With No Mojo | National Scrapbook Week | JamiePate.com

Now, don't be too concerned. I was done for that moment. Not like forever. 

But as I was exclaiming to myself how done I was I looked around my studio, not a huge space, maybe 10 x 10. However, it was cluttered! Everything was every where. And on the floor too. My exasperation with not being able to create this layout page then turned to the mess I was standing in.

OK...don't get me wrong. Yes. I realize that scrapbooking and making can be a contact sport. The stuff contacting the floor and every other surface in the room. But this...this was just too much. I had to do something right then and there.

How To Scrapbook With No Mojo | National Scrapbook Week | JamiePate.com

Although I felt like I was losing a whole day, (I had an unreasonable expectation set for myself this National Scrapbook Week, and that too needed to be adjusted) I left my room. I went to a local retailer. And I bought a rather large shelving unit in which to re-work the craft closet. 

It was as though something in my mind snapped and said, enough. Stop waiting for the perfect time to take care of some organizational needs. Use the negative energy of not getting this page done and do something. (That in and of itself is another post, probably.)

How To Scrapbook With No Mojo | National Scrapbook Week | JamiePate.com

Suffice it to say, I bought the shelving. Built the shelving. Tore my whole room apart. Cleaned up all the piles. Even de-cluttered a hall way closet as well. And then this morning I happily walked into my room and had ideas for this page. And for me? I am very happy how it turned out.

"So, what's the moral of the story? Are you really telling us, Jamie, that you get so very bunged up over paper and photos and pretty stuff not working?"

No. Not exactly. The moral of the story is in all of life sometimes we need to take a step back. Sometimes something else is bothering us other than the problem we think is bothering us.

OK. So that quote may not exactly cover my intent here. But perhaps maybe. It's a good quote nonetheless.

My problem was not the problem. My problem was another problem. And it needed to be addressed. I had to be content with addressing an issue that would then give me more freedom in another issue. That other issue the desire to make pages and tell stories.

Which it did. I am now moving forward on getting these stories told. And I am better for having stopped and paused to figure out how to indeed move forward to get my stories told.

Thank you dear reader for being here today. I would love to hear about your scrapbooking 'problem' too. Feel free to comment below. 


  1. I love your honesty. My "neat" workspace turns into chaos within minutes...I often lose my tools in the mess. I also tend to have more inspiration after a good organize ❤️❤️

  2. Oh, I understand! Sometimes I feel on overload and find myself just trying to get a layout done instead of enjoying the process. And, I have absolutely no reason to feel that way. I’m sure you have many deadlines on projects, but I have none. I think one of my problems is that I never really organized well after the move. I forget where things are…I think I just need to have a good reset. You always inspire me and I appreciate your honesty. 😊

  3. I love to make a mess but I also have to clear everything away after each craft project before I start the next for this exact reason. I even clear away between layouts just to clear my mind.
