
How To Organize the Color | Workspace Wednesday

How To Organize the Color | Workspace Wednesday | JamiePateHow To Organize the Color | Workspace Wednesday | JamiePate

yes. there is color in my studio. actually.

I know I tend to stick close to neutrals and pinks, but there really are colorful things here in the studio.

Today is Workspace Wednesday. This is a reoccurring SERIES on this here blog. It's not every week. However, it's one of those series that keeps on giving. We makers love our pretty stuff. Just about as much we love to have that pretty stuff organized and contained which in the end benefits the making.

Today I thought I would share a few more items in use here to help cull the things and keep the workspace clear so that one can actually make the things.

How To Organize the Color | Workspace Wednesday | JamiePate

First I would like to chat about the Ink Pad Storage. It is one of the most favorite storage solutions at Scrapbook. The one here on my workspace is white. It also comes in clear. I keep in mine...well..ink pads. But I have also utilized this system with the storage laid flat and pocket cards, or even ink pads stored in that orientation as well.

This container stands about 13 inches tall. It easily holds standard ink pads. You can see here how I have an assortment of Distress Oxide in mine. I like to keep the ones I am most reaching for right there at the ready. That's how I am currently using. The Storage is made of pretty heavy duty acrylic. It looks great on a shelf or desk or in a shelving system. Storage ideas are endless and basically work with any thing you can think of that needs organized.

How To Organize the Color | Workspace Wednesday | JamiePate

The 6-Compartment Organizer. I have chatted about this one before. You can see that HERE. But since I did a re-shelving here in the studio I started to use this one for the Ink Blending Tool storage. Now, admittedly, I do not have a great system down yet for Ink Blenders and labeling them and what not. That is still a work in progress. However, I do like having the blenders in these compartments, blending side up, to see what color I need. As far as that part, this is a valuable organizer for me and am glad to have it here at the ready.

Again, endless storage and organization possibilities with this unit. I'm just sharing one idea.

How To Organize the Color | Workspace Wednesday | JamiePate

Color Case. While the Pops of Color collection is growing here in the studio, I love having the Color Case to house them in. The case is super easy to keep stored up on a shelf when I am not using the Pops. But then it's super easy to just pull down and have on my workspace at the ready. 

And don't tell anyone, but I use the cover as storage too. While the cover can go on and the cases can stack, which is awesome, I just keep Pops in the lid too. It's just what is working for me currently.

Oh...and let's not even talk about the Pops of Color and how fun they are to work with. That will have to be for another post another day.

How To Organize the Color | Workspace Wednesday | JamiePate

I love storage envelopes. I seriously just keep collecting them as I find ways to use them. That, again, will need to be another post and idea I unpack. They are just so very useful and valuable to me and the organizing in here.

But these 13x13 Storage Envelopes? I have been storing my broken down scraps by color in here for awhile now. Here on the workspace is my blue/green storage and my pink storage. This is just one way I am using the 13x13 envelopes.

I have used them also for a project I am working on to store all the parts. Or an upcoming class, as I gather ideas and start making samples. I still have parts of a MemoryDex project from my daughter's wedding of last year that I need to complete. They make for great storage for all kinds of paper things. Think you will find the same.

How To Organize the Color | Workspace Wednesday | JamiePate

That's a look at my most recent storage and organization ideas that are literally at work here in the studio. 

I would honestly love to know what is working for you...or what is NOT working for you. Because there is always that. And maybe that has been figured out here and I would, of course, love to share.

Hope this helps you get organized and get to the making and crafting in your workspace.

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