
An Ode To Scrapbooking | National Scrapbook Week

An Ode to Scrapbooking | National Scrapbook Week | JamiePate.com

 why scrapbooking makes us celebrate

Yes. I know an ode is a poetic medium. But bear with me. Hopefully indeed this too will be a bit poetic device in it's own way.

An Ode to Scrapbooking | National Scrapbook Week | JamiePate.com

This weekend we scrappers are 'celebrating' National Scrapbook Day. It's a day we commemorate and honor this age old past time. Scrapbooking is not new, as I am sure you well know. It's been around for decades. I have old scrapbooks of my grandparents of their parents and friends. But today it is a day we perhaps set aside and spend extra time journaling and setting our photos just right and taking time to remember.

An Ode to Scrapbooking | National Scrapbook Week | JamiePate.com

Very recently a dear reader shared this thought with me: "Life is hard. But you focus on the good."
I found that to be a very high honor of a compliment. For you see, yes. I do agree. Life IS hard. With that in mind I have chosen to seek the good. My faith in God helps me to be thankful and vocalize gratitude every day. Everyday there is SOMETHING to be thankful for.

An Ode to Scrapbooking | National Scrapbook Week | JamiePate.com

So how does scrapbooking play into that idea? 

Scrapbooking is a manifestation of that celebration. It's one thing to feel thankful. It's one thing to keep a running list of gratitudes. It's another thing to act on that gratitude. I believe scrapbooking brings to light the actual ability to see our gratitude.

An Ode to Scrapbooking | National Scrapbook Week | JamiePate.com

Because of that, I dare say, scrapbookers are some of the happiest people I know. For so many reasons exercising our creativity brings to us a feeling of well-being. To bring those memories to a place, to this physical location in an album brings with it all the feels. It highlights the good in our lives.

Please don't get me wrong. I am by no means a 'Pollyanna' kind a girl. I have to work for a positive attitude every day. I am not here to say let's ignore all the difficulty and suffering that is around us. That will always be with us. It's a promise. 

What I am attempting in this ode to scrapbooking is to encourage you to continue to do what comes so naturally with this hobby: focus on the good. Bring out the goodness of life that is right there in front of you and give it ceremony. Give it celebration with beautiful patterns and icons and embellishments and your words.

An Ode to Scrapbooking | National Scrapbook Week | JamiePate.com

Only you can do that. Only you can scrap your story. Only you can give light to what is good and lovely and worthy of your words.
Ah! That in and of itself makes me so very happy.
And that is my own personal ode to scrapbooking.


  1. Martha StricklandMay 7, 2022 at 7:16 AM

    So very beautiful and true Jamie! Thank you for inspiring me to try new things and to continue to tell the story. I appreciate so much your declaration of your faith in God. I know He has been with you and your family and always will be. This layout is beautiful as is the picture of sweet Anita. I hope you have a fabulous day and a wonderful Mother’s Day 😊

    1. Very, very kind words, Martha. Thank you so very much. I appreciate you.

  2. This is SO adorable! 💕 I found the same paper at Joanns yesterday! Yay!!

    1. Yay!!! Hope it inspires some pages. Enjoy!

  3. Beautiful, Jamie!! Scrapbooking - or any kind of memory keeping - fills my tank in so many ways. 💕💕
