
national craft month | march 2022


National Craft Month | March 2022 | JamiePate.com

it's the most wonderful time of the year

The month has snuck up on us. It's March already. And do I love this time of year for so many reasons.

There are days that are warmer even though snow will surely hit us hard again.

More light is found in the day. Love that.



It's National Craft Month.

Did you know that?

National Craft Month | March 2022 | JamiePate.com

Last year was frought with wedding prepping about this time, so my annual celebration of this wonderful month fell off.

Not this year. 

I am here for it.

Here for what, you ask?

Here for a 30 day challenge I give to myself to make something every day.


Yeah. I can't do that 100 day project thingy that is out there.

But this (barring staying some days at my daughter's helping her and newborn) is what I live for right here.

National Craft Month | March 2022 | JamiePate.com

These first few images are from the challenge I did in 2019. That was the first time I embarked on this 30 day endeavor.

You can find those previous year's post HERE.

National Craft Month | March 2022 | JamiePate.com

The Enjoy the Now and the Moments card below are from 2020. This just might be why I made it through that month with all kinds of hope and encouragement that was the beginning of shut downs. I was crafting every day, for goodness sakes.

National Craft Month | March 2022 | JamiePate.com

There are no real rules to this challenge. It's just to make. For me? It's making cards to fill my MemoryDex Spinner. And now is the time if you are not familiar with MemoryDex. There is now a lovely blush spinner (sneak of that below) and it's back in stock at ScrapbookCom. 

Just in time. Woot. Woot.

National Craft Month | March 2022 | JamiePate.com

Ah...isn't it just so pretty??? You can find that beauty HERE or link below.

If you are going to play along please let me know. So I can stalk follow you. If you decide to play along, would you also tag me up on Instagram? #jp30daychallenge

This is gonna be so much fun.

OK...one more thing...

To make these MemoryDex cards takes no special experience whatsoever. It's like scrapbooking on a 4x3 card. Or DIYing a card on a card. Wait...did that make sense.

Anyway...let hear from you friends. Are you in?

Heidi Swapp MemoryDex Collection can be found HERE


Hey friends...when you shop these links below, I receive a small kick back from your sales from ScrapbookCom & Heidi Swapp Shop. There is absolutely no extra cost to you at all! But these commissions help to cover the costs of this blog and other expenses to provide you with these and other project ideas. I want to continue to bring you FREE inspiration. Shopping these links allows me to do just that. I can't thank you enough for your love and continued support. 

You can find me at:

my gallery: https://bit.ly/JamiePateGallery

blog: http://www.jamiepate.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jamiepate/

Facebook Design Page: https://bit.ly/JamiePateDesignsFB


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