
Workspace Wednesday | What's On My Table

Workspace Wednesday | What's On My Table | JamiePate.com

 hello wednesday!

Welcome back to this, one of my favorite blog series:

WorkSpace Wednesday

First...two things:

OK...should we really call it WORKspace? Because here is a theory I continue to process through and consider: crafting, making, documenting SHOULD be fun. The operative word being should. So maybe we could call this PlaySpace Wednesday. But then, it would mess up the alteration. Hmm...

OK...second...who does not LOVE organization and having homes for all their things? This is, and I am thinking for all of us, a continual work in progress. Does not seem one is ever quite done with how they want a space organized. But maybe I am just speaking for me. There are a lot of ideas roaming around in the brain about this next phase of storage and organization that is needed in the 'play' space.

Today this is what is actually on my table and vying for my time and attention:

Workspace Wednesday | What's On My Table | JamiePate.com

My planner. My Heidi Swapp Shop Planner. This has become quite the hub of my thoughts, documenting, and even some what creativity. 

What's new right now with my planner? I am endeavoring to add to it daily. 

Why you ask?

As I shared here in THIS video, I am not enjoying trying to get all 4 weeks of a month done at once. And I have been doing just that in my previous work flow. That work flow is asking to be changed up. I talk about this a bit in the January Pages for Memory Planner video. Would love for you to weigh in on the subject.

Workspace Wednesday | What's On My Table | JamiePate.com

This is just what I am talking about. I added a 'chunk' of some pre-made elements as well as a lot of the new February Stop the Blur printable (that monthly printable is included in each months video series) cut outs. Under the v-notched distress tag I added in a whole lot of journaling. 

What is not seen is that I have already now done Tuesday. This may seem like a little accomplishment. That's because it is. But it's a little accomplishment that is giving me a whole lot of peace of mind.

Workspace Wednesday | What's On My Table | JamiePate.com

I probably should expound on this in next month's February Memory Planner video...but do you see that little color strip there at the bottom right of the above image? That strip is from the Feb STB printable. I am using that palette to guide my stamp palette. Maybe even use it for the next few weeks as color inspiration for my other makes. But that paper strip is on my table and I already have been referring to it often. Now I just need to decide what Distress Oxide that reddish color is, then I'm good.

Workspace Wednesday | What's On My Table | JamiePate.com

This Stadium 4 Compartment Organizer is home to my large Heidi Swapp Shop stamps. The sets fit perfectly in the last two compartments. Love it when a storage solution comes together. The front two compartments hold the Mega Calendar Stamp, and then my other smaller stamps collection. It just really helps to have all these larger stamp sets in one place. The sturdiness of the Stadium Organizer insures too that the stamps don't bend or get all wonky. Did that make sense?

Workspace Wednesday | What's On My Table | JamiePate.com

Always on my table (besides a plant or flowers or a cup of coffee) is a cute bowl or two that holds this and that. Think I grabbed this bowl awhile back from Ikea...but then Hobby Lobby is always tempting me with all the great bowls and plates there.

Anyway...I like to keep the smaller Heidi Swapp scissors in mine along with the metal stencils and maybe even an adhesive. That is the new ScrapbookCom Deluxe Adhesive Roller. I am really loving the sturdiness of that new (and pink) roller. I have yet to have the adhesive gum up on me and cause me all sorts of consternation. Can I get an amen? Seriously...we just need our tools to work well for us, like good fitting jeans. No tugging needed!

Workspace Wednesday | What's On My Table | JamiePate.com

That, my friends, is what is on my desk right now...oh...and an early happy mail of the new Heidi Swapp Ledger Notepads. Dang those are so cute. I'm a gonna need more of those. 

That's a Wednesday look of what is happening right now on my work space. For me there is so much to love here. For me to have it tidy and organized invites me in to want to create. For me...I actually need very few excuses.

So...what's on your workspace?

Hey friends...when you shop these links below, I receive a small kick back from your sales from ScrapbookCom & Heidi Swapp Shop. There is absolutely no extra cost to you at all! But these commissions help to cover the costs of this blog and other expenses to provide you with these and other project ideas. I want to continue to bring you FREE inspiration. Shopping these links allows me to do just that. I can't thank you enough for your love and continued support. 

You can find me at:

my gallery: https://bit.ly/JamiePateGallery

blog: http://www.jamiepate.com

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Facebook Design Page: https://bit.ly/JamiePateDesignsFB

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