
How To Be of Good Courage | Card DIY

How To Be of Good Courage | Card DIY | JamiePate.com

 hopeful verses

When a new stamp set lands on your craft table. And it's like it was meant for the right now? Yeah. That.

How To Be of Good Courage | Card DIY | JamiePate.com

Be of good courage is just the message my heart is finding crucial at the moment. So many of us continue to seek strength and hope. Often, and this may just be a personal experience, it's the pulling from other things trying to bring them to us that becomes this tug of war of trying to find courage and strength. But in the words of my good friend Michael W Smith...you gotta give it away. One may not feel courageous in a given moment. Giving away love and care and kindness when you think you have none to give is actually usually how it is done.

How To Be of Good Courage | Card DIY | JamiePate.com
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As I shared in the recent Life Handmade Podcast (you can find that HERE), scrapbooking can me a mediative form. I think anytime we work with our hands that the time can be its own kind of meditation.

And as a shameless plug here, when stamp sets like Hopeful Verses are at the ready, man...it tugs at my heart even more to inspire me to make something. Now sometimes that making is for me. Art journals and junk journals and planner pages. Yep. Those all count. But when the making is with the intent of giving to someone else, well, then the hour is golden. Then your thoughts can turn to that soul and their need and the prayers they could use.

How To Be of Good Courage | Card DIY | JamiePate.com

And then...THEN? You get to give away the make. A little piece of yourself, right? Wow! What a beautiful gift this paper crafting thing can be. It serves you the maker. It serves the intended receiver.

I. Love. That.

How To Be of Good Courage | Card DIY | JamiePate.com

You have heard the industry jokes right? How we confuse hoarding with collecting. How about we not hoard or collect at all. How about we give those makes away. How about we let someone know we were thinking and praying and making...for them.

NOTE: All advice is autobiographical.

How To Be of Good Courage | Card DIY | JamiePate.com

Finally, maybe we don't feel terribly courageous or strong or giving. So often we hear 'follow your heart'. I try and steer clear of that advice. Here's what I suggest: follow what is good and kind and generous. Do what your soul has been nudged to do. Do something for someone else.

How To Be of Good Courage | Card DIY | JamiePate.com

And yes. I just so happen to think the right stamp set can say just the right thing. But I also KNOW that you have stash and pretty stuff right now to make something for someone that will fill them with light and hope and strength.

You gotta give it away.
Hoping this inspires you to do just that.

Hey friends...when you shop these links below, I receive a small kick back from your sales from ScrapbookCom & Heidi Swapp Shop. There is absolutely no extra cost to you at all! But these commissions help to cover the costs of this blog and other expenses to provide you with these and other project ideas. I want to continue to bring you FREE inspiration. Shopping these links allows me to do just that. I can't thank you enough for your love and continued support. 

You can find me at:

my gallery: https://bit.ly/JamiePateGallery

blog: http://www.jamiepate.com

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Facebook Design Page: https://bit.ly/JamiePateDesignsFB


  1. I always love your makes and also what you have to say.

    1. Thank you, Rita. Very kind of you. I really do like to make the makes. Hope you find inspiration to do the same.
