
ReBooting Storytelling | Storyline Chapters


ReBooting Storytelling | Storyline Chapters | JamiePate.com

it's that time of year...

Want to share a pattern that goes on here. After the holidays and the busyness of making gifts and family and friends and celebration, I for one am ready to get back to some story telling. Story telling that has fallen off over the busy holiday months.

It's a story telling reboot. Rebooting the stories of 2021 and getting them on the page.

ReBooting Storytelling | Storyline Chapters | JamiePate.com

This here is a look at what I call Weekly Pages. And yes. That IS April. Easter. And there is no shame here because of being a bit behind. I totally enjoyed printing these photos here and creating this page. And remember our motto: our stories never expire.

ReBooting Storytelling | Storyline Chapters | JamiePate.com

By way of reminder I want to review for you what it is that happens here on my weekly pages that are pure joy to me to make. 

This right side of the page is what I call the big picture. I choose a main image from the week that speaks to me on some level. No real rules really. Plus...it's a story that I want to tell, but it's also a page I want to make pretty. Create a traditional scrapbook vibe to it. Because...

ReBooting Storytelling | Storyline Chapters | JamiePate.com

Because the left side of the page is a grid. A look at a week. A sort of week-at-a-glance. Not a whole lot of room to add layers or stamping or borders. Which is OK. I simplifies the story telling. Also note, under the month and date space I have an interactive card that holds the facts from this side of the page. Hidden journaling if you will.

ReBooting Storytelling | Storyline Chapters | JamiePate.com

Back to the pretty parts of the page. Just want to point out a few of my current favorites. First, that Sprig die? It's an exclusive at ScrapbookCom. There are several dies to this set you can see HERE. I love how delicate they are and finding them super versatile on many projects. These ethereal dies add just a wonderful touch to a page that might otherwise look like it might be lacking in a something something.

Second those black strips? They are new to my studio table. The border dies are called Stitched Border Dies and are sized for slimline projects. But hey...cut them down to give your scrapbook page a foundation to all the photos and what not. Be sure to watch as these will be making an appearance in other places as well.

Then that 'together' stamp is companion to the 'memories' stamp found at the top of this page. Also an exclusive from the ScrapbookCom. Sweet Expressions are finding themselves on all my projects. They make for great little extra phrases and fillers on cards and tags too.

ReBooting Storytelling | Storyline Chapters | JamiePate.com

Lastly, that tag is tucked behind the photo in a little pocket. Been hiding journaling a lot lately. I want the photo to be the focus. Creating hiding spaces for journaling is a bit of a trend for me at present. That beautiful pattern paper is from Vicki Boutin's Fernwood. Swoon worthy collection that one. And it was a great fit for all the black and linear found on this story telling page.

I hope this inspires you to reboot your story telling. Keep it simple. Or add all the pretty stuff. What matters most: Is that you are telling your story.

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