
December Album 2021 | Story No7


December Album 2021 | Story No7 | JamiePate.com

let the story telling continue

Sort of jumped ahead here with the December Album stories here on the blog.

December Album 2021 | Story No7 | JamiePate.com

You can find a series of videos right HERE on the YouTube channel if there is interest in catching up on what is in the album thus far.

December Album 2021 | Story No7 | JamiePate.com

This story here, what is called Story No,  is one of my favorite of December Album stories. This has been an entry for many years now. It's what I call the "right now' story. The story of my kids and a brief synopsis on their 'right now'.

December Album 2021 | Story No7 | JamiePate.com

This is a great way to tell any one's story in a brief yet succinct way. And it does not have to be one's children. You. Your spouse. Your pet. Your friend group. Anything really can fall under the category of 'right now'.

December Album 2021 | Story No7 | JamiePate.com

In the included video I share how this page was made. The thinking behind it. As well as some caffeinated 'mammerings' that should be very entertaining. Initially I was just going to craft this page then I decided to turn the camera on. One never knows how that is going to turn out. It's all there in the recording for your viewing and listening pleasure.

December Album 2021 | Story No7 | JamiePate.com

Thank you for being here for these few stories I have shared so far. As is always the case, the days are getting busier and I may not be around much this next week. Just as so many of us will be celebrating with family and friends the birth of Jesus Christ. I hope you have a most beautiful celebration no matter how you go about this season. 

Here is a look at Story No7:

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