
December Album 2021 | Story No4


December Album 2021 | Story No4 | JamiePate.com

make a wish

Welcome to this edition of December Album 2021.

Today's story is called Story No4.

It's our wish page.

December Album 2021 | Story No4 | JamiePate.com

Our wish page is the page where we add in our 'letters to Santa'. But since everyone around here knows who Santa really is, it's simply one of the pages I add in that allows a space for these guys to write down what they would love to see under the tree.

December Album 2021 | Story No4 | JamiePate.com

In my mind this is it's own form of storytelling. Years from now when we go back through these years ago pages we will revisit those lists and remember. It's as simple as that. It's just a pretty page of pockets and simple tags that invite my people into the album with their hand writing as well as their right now.

December Album 2021 | Story No4 | JamiePate.com

This page is as simple as cutting out tags, or using tags you already have. Adding just a little something something to them. Tucking them into their pockets.

December Album 2021 | Story No4 | JamiePate.com

Speaking of pockets, let's jump right into this video here where I share all the details to this page. And the making of them there pockets too.

December Album 2021 | Story No4 | JamiePate.com

How is your December Album coming? Are you telling the stories you want to tell? I know I just keep adding to the list of stories I do want to tell. Along with that list, I am deeply enjoying the slow process of this album this year.

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