
December Album 2021 | Story No.2


December Album 2021 | Story No. 2 | JamiePate.com

jolly story time

When old traditions transition to new traditions.

December Album 2021 | Story No. 2 | JamiePate.com

That is what Story No. 2 became. That was not the plan. You see, the getting of the Christmas tree is always a photo worthy activity and has been recorded in our December Album for years now. This year was different. This year the tradition changed. So while I knew I was going to be telling this story, I did not know I was going to be telling THIS story.

December Album 2021 | Story No. 2 | JamiePate.com

Later this week the process video for these pages will post. That's where you can hear the story behind the story.

In the mean time, did you catch this double page spread Actually, it became a four-page spread. (That did not get photographed). The old school vibe was with this one though crafting two pages to tell a story.

December Album 2021 | Story No. 2 | JamiePate.com

Harking back the way the Fall Album evolved, this two page spread is sort of a throw back to that. One large format photo on the left. Then a collage of smaller photos on the right. Think Storyline Chapters, right? Is this a familiar way that you may scrap a 'regular' page?

December Album 2021 | Story No. 2 | JamiePate.com

This page has a huge smattering of ScrapbookCom exclusives. And can you forgive a girl in advance? Cause here's the thing, the tools in which to make pages like here in this December Album will ultimately not go too far. What does that mean, you say? Means, these dies and stamps and papers will be used and reused and a whole lot of a variety on a theme will be taking place. That is, until one spies a new something-something they can't live without. Then all bets are off.

December Album 2021 | Story No. 2 | JamiePate.com

That's a quick look at Story No. 2. The tree hunt. 

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  1. Absolutely beautiful...I love a double page spread that becomes four pages😉. Whatever the story calls for.

    1. Hi, Lynette...yep. me too. Embracing all the things. It's just how it needs to be. I know you agree with that. Thank you for being here.
