
December Album 2021 | Story No. 1

December Album 2021 | Story No. 1 by Jamie Pate

bring it, December! Bring on the stories.

For the first time in forever I am so very very excited about this year's December Album making.

To be honest, in the past, I have allowed myself to get bunged up about keeping up everyday. 

About trying to keep the album thematic, and...you know...perfect. (First-born syndrome)

And about feeling defeated when I got to the end of the season with only half of a book.

December Album 2021 | Story No. 1

Well, friends...while I am not an old dog, they can be taught new tricks.

I for one am here for it.

First up, let me invite you to watch this video here that I did in October as I began to think thoughts about how I was going to document December.

Let's Chat December Album

This video really resonated with my storytelling friends. My hope is that it continues to do just that. I would love to hear your thoughts as well.

December Album 2021 | Story No. 1

For my first story in this 2021 December Album I am telling the story I always tell: family. For years and years this mini album has started off with the family photo. Whether we hired a photographer to take an official photo, or if there was a picture taken through the year that stayed top of mind for me.

As a side note, this is becoming increasingly harder as I now have two children married. I will need to decide how that looks for next year. But this year I got lucky. This family photo was taken the night before my first kid got wedded. And so, a last look at our nuclear family as it was. I'm not melancholy. Much.

December Album 2021 | Story No. 1

And so Story 1 (I am adopting that from Ali Edwards as I am not telling the days, I am telling the stories. Does that make sense?) is our family photo.

December Album 2021 | Story No. 1

Inside the flap of the family photo I will share my opening thoughts on the month and the season and how I am going about this year's book. Seriously, friends. It already feels so freeing to 'want' to tell the stories I want to tell rather than 'have' to keep up every day with a story. Cause seriously, sometimes it's just me and my coffee and a school routine day and a lot of work at home. 

December Album 2021 | Story No. 1

For this week's video I will send you to the ScrapbookCom Channel. In the Holiday Inspiration Series I am kicking off the album with my intro page and the process for this Story 01 Family Photo page. Watch the video for how I went about these pages. As well as the making of the interactive flap.

I hope this post and these videos inspire you in some way. I hope if you are documenting December in a mini album that you find ideas, motivation, and some simple ideas to make that happen for you. Be sure to check back as I will be updating throughout the month these pages and stories.

December Album 2021 | Story No. 1

Thank you so very much for being here and for sharing in these storytelling aspirations.

Hey friends...when you shop these links below, I receive a small kick back from your sales from ScrapbookCom & Heidi Swapp Shop. There is absolutely no extra cost to you at all! But these commissions help to cover the costs of this blog and other expenses to provide you with these and other project ideas. I want to continue to bring you FREE inspiration. Shopping these links allows me to do just that. I can't thank you enough for your love and continued support.

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