
Work Space Wednesday ~ Beauty and Function


the gift of beauty and function

I wish I could express well to you how much joy crafting this Fall album is bringing me.

It's not unlike most all my albums. 

I love photos.

I love story.

I love creating a feeling around those stories and photos with beautiful embellishments that for me only further enhances the story found on the page.

What I call beauty and function.

The beauty of course is what we put on the page. Even if it's a tough story. The beauty is found in our being authentic with ourselves. Then, the opportunity by way of time to then see how that difficult time plays out.

The function? That is the result of spending time in the beauty. Now we have albums and pages and books filled with story in one form or another.

This my friends, is what I call a win, win.

Now. Of course. It's one thing to have beautiful photos. And yes...sort of priding myself in capturing this most amazing fall we are having. I mean, it's just not hard to photograph when everywhere you look is so beautiful.

But then of course, beautiful embellishments sure make for creating these pages just that much more.

Not sure if I wanted to make this Fall Album because of Heidi's Halloween Collection that is part of this (you can find that post HERE), or if I wanted to hightlight these photos, or if I wanted an excuse to use pretty stuff.

Don't answer that for me. I'm going to just live in it all thank you very much.

Like this Vintage Artistry In The Leaves by 49 and Market. Oh. My. Word. I am a huge fan of this collection.

You know when you come across a collection that practically makes itself? That was this for me. There are beautiful packs of ephemera. Rub ons that go on like butter. Plus these washi sheets that have all the perfect sentiments. This was where so much of the joy came in the making of this album. 

So what is the moral of the story?

There really isn't one. 

This post was just simply to encourage the making of your beautiful pages.

The sharing of this collection that has been a joyful addition to my paper crafting.

And then of course as always, this is my contstant reminder: tell your story.

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