
How To Catch Up In Your Memory Planner

How To Catch Up In Your Memory Planner by Jamie Pate

how to not feel behind

Do you feel like you just keep getting behind in your Memory Planner? Do you wish you could at least be in the same month as the week you are working on? Or are you a memory planner that is good with catching up as you can?

How To Catch Up In Your Memory Planner by Jamie Pate

No matter how I try I cannot seem to stay on track in my Memory Planner. Meaning, I can get almost a month ‘behind’ in adding in my photos or words or quote cards, or whatever I have deemed to represent that day. 

How To Catch Up In Your Memory Planner by Jamie Pate

Now, at the same time, I am not one to lament with the phrase “I’m so behind”. Usually my approach to that thought is more on the level of: “Look how many stories I GET to tell when the time and space allows”. That attitude actually serves me better to be completely honest with you. It’s a positive approach rather than a negative one of “oh, I’m so behind, boo me”. However, that attitude can get forgotten. The mode I really want to continue to operate in is this:

You are not behind. You are not lagging. You are not supposed to be somewhere else. You are exactly where you should be. Embrace now and go from there. Don’t think that you have to catch up on something. ~Mark Sutton

How To Catch Up In Your Memory Planner by Jamie Pate

This is what should be emblazoned above my studio table. That is the course of action I want to take. Maybe that quote in and of itself should be a Memory Planner page!  Do you agree?

Tell me if you think this is true: we allow social media and the constant flow of content and stories to, hmm…maybe sometimes overwhelm us? Perhaps even intimidate us? Then you know what happens? Something I call analysis paralysis. Can you relate to this emotion? I would really love to know.

How To Catch Up In Your Memory Planner by Jamie Pate

Here is a bit of encouragement: you are not behind. There is no timetable you have to keep up with. Now, maybe you have made one up of your own based on what you see ‘everyone’ else doing. I say ‘pishy caca”. Here’s a thought: maybe give yourself a little break seeing what everyone else does. I know I am speaking for myself here too. I know I am an influencer in this little paper documenting world. But I get ‘oh dear goodness did you see this girl?’. Yep. It’s true. I get overwhelmed too. I also continue to control that and focus more on my world.

But I also need to do me. You do you. In your time table. With your stories. With your style and flair. Inspiration is great and fabulous. But if you are just sitting there on your phone scrolling and not actually making…? Well?…there. I said it. I said it gently. But I said it. 

There is so much of our story we need to be telling all the while we also need to stop watching what everyone else is doing. Tell your story.

Let me know if you hate me now below in the comments. Ha Ha. I’m only kidding. Don’t tell me that if it’s true. I would appreciate knowing what your dilemma is. We are in this documenting thing together.

How To Catch Up In Your Memory Planner by Jamie Pate

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Heidi Swapp Stamp Sets used on this Memory Planner page spread:

Back To School Stamp Set

Month Stamps


  1. Great mentality to have and a great reminder!

    1. I agree. And we need reminding now and again, don't we?

  2. A great post subject at exactly the right time, Jaimie! I was feeling overwhelmed about, dare I say "being SO far behind!" Now I will have an "attitude of gratitude" that I will have so much to write about when time allows!

    Warm hugs,

    1. I love hearing that. Thank you for sharing. That's what it's all about. Look how abundant our lives are that we have so many stories we want to tell. Enjoy the process, Carol.

  3. This is me to a tee. I spend so much time watching videos and scrolling Instagram getting ‘ideas’ and not putting those ideas into practice. I’m ‘so behind’. But I always love how you turn that around and encourage to just get those stories down when you’re ready. As I’ve heard you say before Stories don’t expire but they do need to be told. Thanks Jamie. I’m going to look at my story telling in a different way now ☺️

    1. Thank you so much for sharing that, Carol. You know you are not alone. We all do it. It takes intention to do what we really want to do. Something that I have to renew daily. Let me know if ever you have a question or need something explored more. And...you got this!!!
