
Capturing Beauty Any Season With Scrapbooking


Capturing Beauty Any Season with Scrapbooking by Jamie Pate

what a beautiful thing

Do you ever take time to reflect on your hobby? Do you ever slow down and consider what it is you capture? Do you realize what a wonderful gift you live in to take photos, print photos, and then to 'lay' them out on a page with complementary embellishing?

I'm in that space right now. A sort of resurgence on what it is I am documenting and how I am documenting it. That's not to say I am changing the way I do it. No. That's not it exactly. It's more a reflection on what I am already doing and diving a little deeper into it's beauty and how it brings goodness into my life.

Does that make sense to you, dear reader?

Capturing Beauty Any Season with Scrapbooking by Jamie Pate

Perhaps it's this changing of the season. I know you my readers are from all over the globe. Some of you get to experience spring and all it's new birth and new growth and the colors that a season bursting with newness brings with it. Some of us are cooling off from a rather warm summer and sensing a fresh coolness and some of us an actual change in scenery.

 I love to be the seeker of that beauty. Whether it's found in nature or in a change up of my people's routines and schedules. I love to get to capture it all. I love to be behind the camera and imagining the story that is to be told through these photos.

Capturing Beauty Any Season with Scrapbooking by Jamie Pate

Sometimes the beauty is right there in front of us. We can get busy and miss it. I'm here to encourage this: don't miss it. Beauty is found in every corner of this globe. Whether we live in a rural or suburban setting. It's just there. Right there. Asking us to either stop and just enjoy and BE in it...and then sometimes it's asking us to 'take a picture of me!!!'. 

And take photos we do. 

And turn them into memories on a page we do as well.

What a beautiful gift we have to capture all these seasons of life.

Capturing Beauty Any Season with Scrapbooking by Jamie Pate

As we reset in our current season, and as the busy of the holidays ahead and the gift giving season is before us, consider capturing this beauty for you, of course, but also consider capturing this beauty for others. Make those albums. Make those cards (yes...add photos to cards...gifts in and of themselves). Share your gift of beauty with others. It will go well with you.

Capturing Beauty Any Season with Scrapbooking by Jamie Pate

Right now I feel like making this October Fall Mini Album is refueling my creative nature. It's forcing a bit more of seeking the beauty found right around me. I will link the video here to the making of this my latest album. In the video I talk more of the mechanics of the making. This is not a daily book, as I am doing good to keep up with my daily responsibilities as it is. Daily-ish, as a dear reader shared with me. 

Here's a quick review as to what happens. I look for beauty in my day. I photograph it...these so far were from my older iPhone (remember: the best camera for you is the one you already have). Then I think about what it will look like when I print the photo. 

Then...I enjoy the process of creating a page spread in my mini album. Using the Mini Storyline Chapters Insert you see here above, it does not take long at all to simply play and enjoy and actually smile as I am in the process.

That's it. That's all I wanted to share with you. Beauty found around you and then brought into a memory on a page. 

Gosh I wish I was talking to you in person about this. I get so excited about photography and scrapbooking. 

We are so lucky, don't you think? Yes. I think we are.

Tell me in the comments what you are capturing right now that is bringing beauty to your soul.

And let me know too what you think of the video:

Hey friends...when you shop these links below, I receive a small kick back from your sales from ScrapbookCom & Heidi Swapp Shop. There is absolutely no extra cost to you at all! But these commissions help to cover the costs of this blog and other expenses to provide you with these and other project ideas. I want to continue to bring you FREE inspiration. Shopping these links allows me to do just that. I can't thank you enough for your love and continued support.

Here is a list of my go-to supplies while working on this Fall Mini:

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