
Brand new Gallery + Pops of Color

New Scrapbook.Com Gallery Reveal and Pops of Positivity by Jamie Pate

pops of color gallery gala

Ready for some fun news???

The NEW Scrapbook.com Gallery is launching today! To celebrate, I am participating in the Pops of Positivity Party using ScrapbookCom's Pops of Color! 

I would love if you would head over to my Gallery and leave me some cheer! You can click through from right HERE.

What, pray tell, are Pops of Color?


New Scrapbook.Com Gallery Reveal and Pops of Positivity by Jamie Pate

Pops of Color are little bottles of, well...color. It's a container of vibrant liquid that comes in a rainbow of colors and even a host of glitter finishes. Pops of Color are used to add dimension or stencil design or interest to everything! Cards. Tags. Handmade gifts...the possibilities are endless.

New Scrapbook.Com Gallery Reveal and Pops of Positivity by Jamie Pate

The 'Pops' dry with dimension, and in the case of this Champagne color here...with a glitter finish too. On this Hello Card I used a palette knife to pull the Champange Pops of Color through the Little Boxes Stencil to create some sparkle, dimension, and design interest to the background of this card.

New Scrapbook.Com Gallery Reveal and Pops of Positivity by Jamie Pate

I also used the Pops of Color to create the autumn leaf embellishment as seen on this card...

New Scrapbook.Com Gallery Reveal and Pops of Positivity by Jamie Pate

...and these leaf die cuts too. I will be sharing a video of this process very soon.

New Scrapbook.Com Gallery Reveal and Pops of Positivity by Jamie Pate

I am so excited for today's new Gallery Launch at ScrapbookCom. I am in love with the possibilities that is Pops of Color and the beautiful way crafters are using them. And I am most happy to share all this with you, my reader. Hope you are inspired to check out the Gallery (and upload something too!) as well as give a try to these wonderful innovative Pops of Color.

One more thing, today on Instagram lots of makers are sharing their Pops of Color and Positivity on their feed. It's a great way to discover even more ideas and inspiration. Follow the hashtag #PopsOfPositivity

Hey friends...when you shop these links below, I receive a small kick back from your sales from ScrapbookCom. There is absolutely no extra cost to you at all! But these commissions help to cover the costs of this blog and other expenses to provide you with these and other project ideas. I want to continue to bring you FREE inspiration. Shopping these links allows me to do just that. I can't thank you enough for your love and continued support.

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