
Using Slimline Dies for Tag Album Cover


Using Slimline Dies for Tag Album Cover by Jamie Pate

creating beautiful album covers 

You have seen this Tag Album in a previous post right HERE.

Who is up for a process video of the same? Let me know in the comments.

In the mean time...

How To Use Slimline Dies for Tag Album Covers

Using Slimline Dies for Tag Album Cover by Jamie Pate

For one I really do enjoy crafting with vellum. It's such a wonderful, etheral medium. It takes stamping and printing and here today die cutting beautifully.

I have mentioned before that when I first received the new Slimline Dies exclusive to ScrapbookCom that I took to taking each one and just cutting colored cardstock. No end in mind. I just wanted to actually see how they all cut.

Well. When it came to that Moroccan Tile Slimline Die, which I have now used several times, it quickly became a swoon worthy tool. See another post using that die HERE.

Then, with the vellum? Oh yes. Come to mama!

Using Slimline Dies for Tag Album Cover by Jamie Pate

The Tag Album was all made, and then I knew I needed a cover that would give a see through peek to the inside. I just so happened to have already cut the vellum with the Moroccan Tiles Die. But of course, it being a Slimline size it was too tall. Or was it? 

All that needed to be done was to trim the die cut vellum to the size of the tag album. But that left an unfinished edge at the top. I then took some of the scraps of pattern paper from the tag album, trimmed it the width of the vellum, scored it in the middle, and wrapped it around the unfinished die cut vellum. Then a circle punch was cut from pattern paper, folded in half, wrapped at the top middle of the vellum cover, and hole punched so a ring could bind it and the rest of the tags for the album.

Using Slimline Dies for Tag Album Cover by Jamie Pate

The cover was embellished with a Tim Holtz Salvaged Tag, a Heidi Swapp Art Walk Definition Sticker, Pink Fresh Days of Splendor Floral Ephemera, a Studio Calico Tag and then topped with that ScrapbookCom Hello Die cut from Art Walk pattern paper. All these bits were layered together with hot glue. See the webs I forgot to clean up? Yep. It doesn't have to be perfect.

Using Slimline Dies for Tag Album Cover by Jamie Pate

I love how it turned out. Will be trying this again. Create. Love. Repeat.

Using Slimline Dies for Tag Album Cover by Jamie Pate

I hope you will use your dies in different and varying ways. I hope you will think outside the box a little with your tools. I hope you will enjoy the process of crafting something made by you.

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