
How To Add Pages to a Page | Storyline Chapters


How To Add Pages To a Page | Storyline Chapters by Jamie Pate

create more pages in your Storyline Chapters Insert

How To Add Interactive Scrapbook Pages Inside Storyline Chapters Inserts

Do you ever just binge on someones REELS? (raises hand sheepishly)
I recently found myself watching Heidi Swapp's Storyline after Storyline Reels that she posted just about a year ago. She is the queen of interactive pages. And I was very inspired to have a hand at some ideas I came up with while watching these reels.

How To Add Pages To a Page | Storyline Chapters by Jamie Pate

These ideas are playing out here in my Storyline Chapters Weekly Pages for 2021.

How To Add Pages To a Page | Storyline Chapters by Jamie Pate

To start, I knew I wanted a larger digital cut word. I decided on the 'stories' cut out from Heidi's Quarantine Digital Bundle. But darn it if I did not have any black cardstock. And I really wanted that word to anchor my page idea with a black paper. Remembering I had Distress Spray Stain in Black Soot I just cut the word the height of the page, then sprayed it several times with the Spray Stain. Super happy how this worked out.

How To Add Pages To a Page | Storyline Chapters by Jamie Pate

Next, the story for this week was actually the WHOLE week. I happened to have grabbed a couple photos of myself when I was doing a video shoot. Coming upon them in my camera it struck me that this week's story was my very own story. Since I had several photos of me (and we will talk about this on another post, ladies...the photos of you thing...) it inspired me (plus all of Heidi's Reels) to craft several pages on ONE page to tell this story.

Watch this video here to discover how I went about all the details.

How To Add Pages To a Page | Storyline Chapters by Jamie Pate

I ended up with two pages telling three different parts of the story, yet the pages are still connected to the Storyline Chapters Insert.

How To Add Pages To a Page | Storyline Chapters by Jamie Pate

The story I wanted to make sure I had documented was pretty long. I decided to type it up on my computer rather than hand write it all. Then it was printed so that it would fit on page two and then on page three. I love having this right here in my Weekly Pages. There was just so much to the week. It took its toll on me for sure. And I did not want to forget how I spent these days. So there you have it. All nicely wrapped up in my Weekly Pages Album.

How To Add Pages To a Page | Storyline Chapters by Jamie Pate

Hope this inspires you to not only tell your story (you knew I was going to say that), but to also add in some interactive pages to tell even more of those stories. Nothing matters more than stories told by you.

Scrapbooking Stories About You Process Video

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