
FREE Class : Cards For Kindness™ Now Live!!!


FREE Class : Cards for Kindness™ Now Available

did somebody say free?

I am so thrilled to share this opportunity for you paper crafters:

Cards For Kindness™

FREE Class : Cards for Kindness™ Now Available

I am so honored to be a participant in this new class offering at ScrapbookCom.

Cards For Kindness™ is a beautiful endeavor provided by ScrapbookCom. Making cards. Sending them to ScrapbookCom. Who then sends them on to caregivers so they can share them with those who need encouragement, love, and support.

I told you it was beautiful.

FREE Class : Cards for Kindness™ Now Available

I could hardly believe when I was asked to be a part of this 10 Designers Create 10 Cards Class. The class went live yesterday. All you need to do is click through HERE. And if you do not already have an account with ScrapbookCom that is all you need to do. No funny business. No weird things with your email. Nope. Just access to this free class.

FREE Class : Cards for Kindness™ Now Available

In this class I take you step by step, from very beginning to very end, to create this interactive card. I mean. Because. I can hardly craft anything without there being some sort of openable thing going on.

FREE Class : Cards for Kindness™ Now Available

When I was first asked to craft a card and then teach it, I knew I wanted to share with you, my friends, a few of my favorite things. How I was crafting backgrounds right now. My love for pink (if you knew me as a child you would think this so strange that she loves pink). How I can hardly make anything without a die cut floating on the surface.

Please come check out this class. There are 10 classes to pick from! Or enjoy a craft sesh with friends and watch them all and craft the night away. Hey! That's not a bad idea!!!

FREE Class : Cards for Kindness™ Now Available

So. Not only do you have a class from me to take in live. Not only do you have 10!!! classes to be inspired and make beautiful cards to share with others who could benefit so beautifully from your creativity. BUT...wait...there's more...

I have a little contest for you to enter into that involves a few things!

Make 10 cards. All the details and form for this endeavor is found in the class.
Photo the cards and tag me up on Instagram or Facebook.
Share the image below on one of your social outreaches (also tag me up so I can verify).
You will then be entered into a drawing for a...wait for it...
A $50.00 ScrapbookCom Gift Card...you know...because you need the goods for making even more cards.
PLUS...a little gift package from me personally.
It's gonna be good!
This will end at Midnight April 5, 2021.

FREE Class : Cards for Kindness™ Now Available

Hey friends...when you shop these links below, I receive a small kick back from your sales from Scrapbookcom. There is absolutely no extra cost to you at all! But these commissions help to cover the costs of this blog and other expenses to provide you with these and other project ideas. I want to continue to bring you FREE inspiration. Shopping these links allows me to do just that. I can't thank you enough for your love and continued support. 


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