
Catching Up With Storyline Chapters | December 2020

Catching Up With Storyline Chapters by Jamie Pate

project reset: Storyline Album Chapters

With the holidays behind us and trees and ornaments packed away for another year, the calendar has turned to this reset phase I have been in all month. Followers of this blog and social channels have seen a planner reset, a studio reset, and now I am, in a way, resetting my family chapters.

While stories are going on all around me right now, (I mean we have loss of job here, and two weddings coming up, and an almost new driver and on and on it goes) for me I needed to complete my stories for 2020 before I could really move on to my 2021 album. That’s just how it works for me. I encourage you, dear reader, to uncover what works best for you.

Catching Up With Storyline Chapters by Jamie Pate

Today’s post I am sharing my Storyline Chapters pages for the month of December. My only goal here is to encourage you to tell your story. There is not a fancy technique included on these pages. As a matter of fact, I am continuing the same format I started in January 2020 and seeing that through to the end of these chapters. 

There is a comfort to a formula. There is theme to simply plugging in one’s photos to a page and embellishing around the edges plus making sure to include journaling. I’m so thankful for this process. To not have to create a new idea each week to document our stories. Sometimes it’s just enough to get photos out of phone or camera and printed. Am I wrong?

Catching Up With Storyline Chapters by Jamie Pate

But lo and behold when we do get those photos printed. It’s pure joy for me to then process through the stories that are represented in each of those photographs. If it is a person then I am inspired to pray and meditate on that person. If it is a still life of home or landscape of a recent trek, then I am inspired to rest in that memory and what the photo represents. All in all, however, it is immense emotions of gratitude for what and who is in my life. A by-product of scrapbooking I could not have predicted.

Catching Up With Storyline Chapters by Jamie Pate

And so you will see on these four weeks here that are my December stories that I continue to include the grid of photos on the left. If you are new here, those photographs measure 2 inches wide, which then naturally crops them to about 2.6 inches tall. I leave a bit of a border around them as I print at home on my Canon iP8720. Then I trim with my paper trimmer. This is a sketch that has served me all year. While I still have not quite decided how this will look for 2021, I am so pleased as to how it turned out for this year that was indeed full of stories.

Catching Up With Storyline Chapters by Jamie Pate

Then as with the rest of the page spreads in this insert, the right side of the page holds a bigger story I wanted to tell. Like that time my youngest daughter and I hit the trail even though it was about 20 degrees and full of snow. Part of this story was to remind me that I really need to get out more. We both do as she has been at home for most of this past semester. We need to explore more and walk more and laugh more. Isn't that a great story?

Catching Up With Storyline Chapters by Jamie Pate

These pages include a mix of product. Of course the insert is one of the Storyline Chapters Scrapbooker Inserts.  The journal cards I made from Storyline Chapters Pattern paper. On the above page you see the 'Enjoy the Now' die cut which I grabbed from the Old School Ephemera. Then Definition Stickers from Art Walk are giving little sub titles to some of the photos. 'Tis the season' is from the January 15 Heidi Swapp Stop the Blur Class printable. These all played nicely together to make this page complete.

Catching Up With Storyline Chapters by Jamie Pate

The bigger story on the right side is my sister and my parents. We do not take photos often enough together. I already cherish this one so much.
As far as products used on this page I die cut some branch shapes just from plain white cardstock. The '25' marking the day is from Art Walk Thickers. The LOVE letters belong to the Art Walk Alpha. Then of course another Definition Sticker, also from Art Walk. Who knew so much Art Walk could work on a Christmas Day page.

Catching Up With Storyline Chapters by Jamie Pate

I learned to only add about four months into a book. Going forward that will be a rule for sure. Since I am not able to scrap very flat this is necessary for me to insure the pages lay flat, or at least try to. As I finish up 2020 this will give me about three inserts that are 2020. Those inserts will fit nicely in a Storyline Chapters Album. There will be such satisfaction in my soul every time I look up and see that album on my shelf.

Catching these pages up in my 2020 album has been pure joy. I have loved the process and each and every photo that brings with it rich memories. I hope this inspires you to tell your stories that you may need to catch up on. 

Remember, stories never expire. Tell your story.

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 All editorial content and projects are intellectual property of jamiepate.com I do receive financial compensation and material product from American Crafts to develop my craft posts, but all ideas and opinions are my own.


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