
Why the Blush MemoryDex Spinner Is the Perfect Gift

Why the Blush MemoryDex Spinner Is the Perfect Gift by Jamie Pate

 great gift ideas come in blush packages

Why the Blush MemoryDex Spinner Is the Perfect Gift by Jamie Pate

This will not be the first time I have sung the praises of the Blush MemoryDex Spinner for a perfect gift. Nor will it be the last. Because after Christmas we will then have Epiphany, Valentines Day, Presidents Day...am I right? There are plenty of opportunities, now and later, for gifting the Heidi Swapp MemoryDex Spinner in Pink.

Why the Blush MemoryDex Spinner Is the Perfect Gift by Jamie Pate

As you know, or maybe you should know, this pretty little table top 'Rolodex' like Spinner is a holder of all the things that make your heart sing. Photos. Quotes. Verses. And maybe even actually an address or two. OK. Well. Maybe not. But all the pretty things for sure. As seen here, I just keep making pretty cards with Christmas themes that make my heart happy. I have shared all kinds of reasons why this is so. There is even a video out there just on THIS subject. You know. Just in case you need any more reasons.

Why the Blush MemoryDex Spinner Is the Perfect Gift by Jamie Pate

The idea behind this innovate crafter's beloved tool is that you can make these sort of artist size cards. It's not hard to find out there creatives who have used mixed media techniques, or cataloged their die cut inventory. There is December Documenting currently happening on this Spinner. And even traditional (mini) scrapbook crafted on MemoryDex cards. The ideas are endless out there. But above all, the Blush Spinner makes these cards even that much more adorable.

Why the Blush MemoryDex Spinner Is the Perfect Gift by Jamie Pate

The traditional Black Spinner got a fresh and stylish makeover, actually. It's the same size. Same spin. Same holder of the cards. It's just Blush! That's all. But hey, that's not all, there are even these amazing Silicone Stoppers (not shown) that help that cutey card you made stay front and forward on said Blush Spinner. Makes a great little extra gift add on.

Why the Blush MemoryDex Spinner Is the Perfect Gift by Jamie Pate

This delicate and gorgeous Spinner extraordinaire looks so darn pretty on a table top, desk, work surface, book case...under the tree!!! (wink wink). You get the idea, right? Need I say more? Cause I can. I'm sure I could say more.

I hope this inspires you to consider the Blush Spinner as a beautiful gift this season. Honestly though, it's a great gift for any gift giving reason. Trust me. The Blush MemoryDex Spinner is the perfect gift for so many reasons.

And tell Santa I sent ya.

 All editorial content and projects are intellectual property of jamiepate.com I do receive financial compensation and material product from American Crafts to develop my craft posts, but all ideas and opinions are my own.

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