
how to fix a pattern paper hoarding issue

Heidi Swapp Old School Traditional Scrapbook Page

Kickin' it Old School style

This is the part of the show where I confess I have fixated on this tiger paper from the Heidi Swapp Old School 12x12 Paper Pad and actually put it to task.
I knew I wanted to do a personal story with this paper.
I knew I wanted to go traditional scrapbook page.
I knew it would be part of the 'my life' album that is a bit more personal than my other albums.
So this is how it went.

Heidi Swapp Old School Traditional Scrapbook Page

This paper was becoming a hoarding issue.
What, pray tell, IS a hoarding issue.
For me? It stems from fear.
What if I mess up?
What if it doesn't work?
What if I regret what I make with it.
What if, what if, what if?
Ad nauseam.

Also known as analysis paralysis.

Heidi Swapp Old School Traditional Scrapbook Page

What do you do with fear? (I know we are talking about paper here, but allow me to use that as an analogy.)
You face it head on.
You 'Do it afraid'.
You remember that no matter what you are going through right now, there will be another fear, or situation, or challenge to cause you pause.
That's OK. Face it.

What do you do when a beautiful pattern paper faces you?
You use it.

And so that's what I did.

Heidi Swapp Old School Traditional Scrapbook Page

For this page I kept the format very simple. I think that was important with that large graphic tiger. A single photo. A couple of elements all connected. Those elements I felt needed to be 'connected' back to the tiger image. So there is a lot of layering and covering over of other embellishments.

Heidi Swapp Old School Traditional Scrapbook Page

I used a few of my favorite word tags and cut aways. This tag is one of a few very favorites in the Old School Collection. It's from the pattern paper called Urban Stories. A hoarding opportunity, indeed.

Instead, I popped it up on the page with a double sided foam dot. A courageous statement in and of itself, I felt it held well against the 12-inch tiger. A sort of personal mantra at present, so it needed that statement to be part of this story. Sanding the edges helped to give the tag some definition against the rest of the black. I tied a little heart to the twine at the top as I wanted to add in a third color. The touch of mustard against all the black and then pink made for a great compliment.

Heidi Swapp Old School Traditional Scrapbook Page

And that is the story of this very awesome pattern paper hoarding issue.
I am very pleased with the outcome. Sometimes we just need to dive into these pretty papers and add our personal selves to them.
It's OK. It's just paper. Now go, tell your story.

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  1. Wow, that is a statement piece - love it! Also, what a great pic of yourself! I'm sure a lot of the times you're the one taking the pics so you are not always recorded in the memory keeping piece of all this beautiful creative projects. Great job!

    1. Yes! You are so right, Belinda. That could be a post in and of itself. My sister and I exchanged cameras. I took her. She me. We just have to stop and to it and record us too. Very good point.
