
welcome to (Inter)National Scrapbook Day(week)

Celebrating (Inter)National Scrapbook Day With Heidi Swapp Storyline Chapters by Jamie Pate

celebrating our stories

Welcome to a week of celebrating what this blog is ALL about:

telling our story

Scrapbooking is alive and well friends. Can you feel it? Now more than ever. More people are home. More people have time to tell their story. And they are.

And while International Scrapbook Day is suppose to be a weekend day, the Heidi Swapp Team will be celebrating all week.

Starting today.

Head on over to HeidiSwapp.com for a look at what the team has been working on for you. These layouts are highlighting the Heidi Swapp Storyline Chapters Collection. These layouts are genuine tellings of our story. These layouts are our gift to inspire you to also tell your story.

While I am telling all kinds of different stories in my Chapters Inserts, one of my inserts is dedicated to weekly stories.

Celebrating (Inter)National Scrapbook Day With Heidi Swapp Storyline Chapters by Jamie Pate

But I interrupted that a little bit with a double page layout.
A double page?
Who does that anymore?
Well. I do. And it was a great format for telling a bit of a timeline of what has happened in our home with this covid experience.

Celebrating (Inter)National Scrapbook Day With Heidi Swapp Storyline Chapters by Jamie Pate

While this is not a comprehensive telling of the events that have happened since this all started, it is, however, a peek into my home and what has happened. Marking this time. Short little journal strips that tell the stories of these photos.

Celebrating (Inter)National Scrapbook Day With Heidi Swapp Storyline Chapters by Jamie Pate

I used Heidi's Quarantine Digital Bundle to create my large title in black. I love how it covers much of the page. I love how it brings you across the time line. I love how all by itself it gives context to this page.

What is great about this page? Is that each one of these photos is their own story. This could make a great jumping off place for stories in our family album. Stories in my covid album. Stories in my individual kid's albums.

Celebrating (Inter)National Scrapbook Day With Heidi Swapp Storyline Chapters by Jamie Pate

I combined Art Walk Alphas for the date. With Storyline Chapters Stamps for some of the sentiments.

Celebrating (Inter)National Scrapbook Day With Heidi Swapp Storyline Chapters by Jamie Pate

Additional elements from Storyline Chapters are found in a simple embellishment cluster at the top of the page. 

I love how we can share messages with our story telling. Stay positive has been a huge motivational mantra for me. You don't have to be over the top up beat or excepting of all the things to stay positive. I think we stay positive and contribute to hope by getting these words + photos on a page and sharing them. It's just one way to exercise our creativity and actively pursue life even when so much has changed.

My hope is that you will be inspired to participate this week. Maybe you have not scrapbooked in a while. I see you out there. You have been sharing your story on social media. I am so inspired by your words and vulnerability  Maybe you have not stopped scrapbooking and you just want and need a like minded community. I'm here for it. Wherever you are coming from I cannot encourage you enough to tell your story. You will never regret having these stories at the ready for time to come.


HeidiSwapp Storyline Chapers: bit.ly/HSStorylineChapters
Heidi Swapp Art Walk Collection: http://bit.ly/HSArtWalkCollection

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