hello november...
New months are always so refreshing to me.
The arrival of November really brings for me a settling of the season.
on my table |
It's that little breath between the beginning of fall, which always ushers in a new schedule, and the lead up to the giving season.
stripes |
The year has been a busy one of travel and family and teaching.
And while I love all that busyness and activity and what not...
on my sofa |
I also really love being home.
vignette |
For me the travel and being away almost every month since the beginning of summer always leaves something undone. And that's usually the needs of my home.
my view |
My creativity is not just about telling stories and taking photos and making that all pretty on paper.
on my bed |
My creativity extends past the pages and is learning to fill every corner of my life. Relationships. Ministry. Family. Writing. and Home.
thrifted |
This is not to begin to say that any of these areas of my life are efficient and perfect. Not even close. What they are, however, is a work in progress. The older I get the more I want all the places found in my life to be stamped with an artisan effect. My artisan soul.
handmade |
Erwin McManus reminds me: 'We breathe. Therefore we create."
read this |
For me that is a want to be found in every area of my life. I only have what I have. But what I have I want to shine with beauty and purpose and a way of life that does not settle. But rather lives.
unexpected |
Most recently I have returned to the influence of
Myquillin Smith. You may know her as
The Nester. October she provided a daily photo prompt on her blog. Followers posted photos on Instagram with the hashtag
#mycozyfallhome. While I came upon this inspiring photo scavenger hunt late, I still attempted to exercise these prompts in an attempt to not only clean up some needed areas of my home. But to also celebrate the simplicity of my home as I create in it a space for family, friends and celebrations.
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