Heidi Swapp Fresh Start new Stencil
Made for the Heidi Swapp Fresh Start Memory Planner Collection.
And just a whole lot of fun to play with.
So here are some technical details. The Stencil comes in a pack with a couple of cute magnetics (not pictured). It's made of, well, what else, but stencil plastic. Includes the alphabet, numbers, bullet points plus several arrows and icons.
This stencil. I'm tellin' ya. If I ever lose it. There is going to be a very sad planner girl sitting in her studio alone and troubled. Good thing the stencil already has drilled holes that fit perfect in the large and personal Heidi Swapp Memory Planner. Perfect! Now don't lose it.
Just to point out. In the photo above, the bracket and the bullet points are part of the stencil. I use them ALL. THE. TIME.
Let me show you what I mean. Watch this video. It's just over a minute long. It's a quick look at just a few of the ways this stencil is showing up in my world. And it should be showing up in your world too, if you ask me. Go on. Just ask me.
That was quick. But you get the idea, right?

I can't help but want to get creative in my planner. On my Desktop Calendar. And even in the Traveler's Journal. Thinking I will just take a bit of time to update my planner and boom! It always happens. I get sucked in and have to play.
For those of us hand lettered impaired, this is a great tool to just play. And not worry about perfecting one's doodle abilities.
Do all things with love. Especially remembering all the things.
So how would you use this stencil? I would love to know. So I can lift your ideas. Giving you full credit of course.
Thanks for stopping in.
supplies | Heidi Swapp Fresh Start Collection
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