
stamping in a traveler's notebook

How to use a traveler's journal and Illustrated Faith Stamps as a prayer journal by Jamie Pate  |  @jamiepate for @bellablvd

Making the most of a traveler's notebook and Illustrated Faith Stamps.

This week at BellaBlvd the creative team has been teaming up with all things stamps.

How to use a traveler's journal and Illustrated Faith Stamps as a prayer journal by Jamie Pate  |  @jamiepate for @bellablvd
I happily played along as one of my first loves in this paper creative world was/is stamps.

How to use a traveler's journal and Illustrated Faith Stamps as a prayer journal by Jamie Pate  |  @jamiepate for @bellablvd
Illustrated Faith has a fabulous collection of stamp options. One set I reach for most often is the Homespun Alpha. It's big and bold, which is not usually my style, but that said, I really love the larger statement these stamps make.

How to use a traveler's journal and Illustrated Faith Stamps as a prayer journal by Jamie Pate  |  @jamiepate for @bellablvd

Using these stamps in this traveler's notebook, that I use as a prayer journal, helps me to translate some thoughts I was thinking.

It's one reason I adore and always seem to rediscover the traveler's. The space is a small commitment. It's super easy to make a big statement. And there is plenty of room for the interpersonal journaling.

How to use a traveler's journal and Illustrated Faith Stamps as a prayer journal by Jamie Pate  |  @jamiepate for @bellablvd

This particular Traveler's Notebook was created using Bella Blvd and Illustrated Faith and you can find the details right here: New Year Goals Journal.

Paper embellishments, stamps, and stickers still find their way on my traveler's pages. Adding a few embellishments that give way to a bit of creative therapy all the while having a space for heart issues absolutely does something for my heart and soul. This is needful for me. I need only be in a better habit of this creative play.

How to use a traveler's journal and Illustrated Faith Stamps as a prayer journal by Jamie Pate  |  @jamiepate for @bellablvd

Starting with this past month, I did just that. Used this handmade traveler's to be home to some prayerful heart issues.  Looking forward to filling these pages up this month, and then starting a new one next month.

How to use a traveler's journal and Illustrated Faith Stamps as a prayer journal by Jamie Pate  |  @jamiepate for @bellablvd
I loved this exercise so much. I loved the challenge of stamps week at Bella. I loved adding my bits and pieces right here. I love the comfort prayer brings me, and the creativity this traveler's notebook provides.

supplies | Illustrated Faith: Clear Stamps: Homespun Alpha, Homespun Numbers, You Are Loved, Icons.

This is a personal blog. All editorial content and projects are intellectual property of jamiepate.com I do receive financial compensation and material product from BellaBlvd to develop my craft posts, but all ideas and opinions are my own. 

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