
football and family

Football + Family + Super! Heidi Swapp Lightbox  |  @jamiepate for @heidiswapp

Celebrating family times and football.

Football + Family + Super! Heidi Swapp Lightbox  |  @jamiepate for @heidiswapp

It's always a good idea to pull out the Heidi Swapp Lightbox to focus on fun events in our home.

Football + Family + Super! Heidi Swapp Lightbox  |  @jamiepate for @heidiswapp

This time of year is an important time of year in this family. Because football. As a matter of fact, my older kids have changed their schedule or even declined invitations because...well...not just because of the football factor. But the family factor. And I quote: "I wanna be with my family for the big game!"

Do you even know what that does to this mama's heart? Tons. It does tons!

Football + Family + Super! Heidi Swapp Lightbox  |  @jamiepate for @heidiswapp

So we'll pull out all the family football favorites. Stove popped popcorn will be there in mass quantities. Our most favorite football snacks (read: all the stuff not good for you).

Football + Family + Super! Heidi Swapp Lightbox  |  @jamiepate for @heidiswapp

Because the big game only comes once a year. And this crazy family, as well as extended members, will all pile in the tv room and talk and laugh and get really quiet for the commercials...and make fun family memories. Because for me...that's what it's all about.

supplies: Heidi Swapp Lightbox Collection. White Lightbox. International Alphabet. Wide Black Alphabet. Icons Hobbies.

This is a personal blog. All editorial content and projects are intellectual property of jamiepate.com I do receive financial compensation and material product from American Crafts to develop my craft posts, but all ideas and opinions are my own. 


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