
family life | week one

Family Life Album aka Project Life Week One Jamie Pate  |  @jamiepate

Project Life and Family Life Album are in the house.
It's been a long time since I have visited this concept.
And I am so very glad I am back at it.
ProjectLife and my collection of family albums is very important to me.
Family Life Album aka Project Life Week One Jamie Pate  |  @jamiepate

I know this because I did not participate last year at all. Other commitments and what not, I allowed them to get in the way. One of my many roles as mom and wife to this tribe includes 'family curator'. I am the documenter of the story. It's up to me or it does not happen.
Family Life Album aka Project Life Week One Jamie Pate  |  @jamiepate

And that's ok, too. I actually relish this position in life. To tell my family's story. Whether big event or everyday. To say I missed documenting like this is not to say I feel guilty for having not taken the time and allowed other important things to take it's place. The fact is, I like seeing our life in photo+words right in front of me. I like documenting what goes on in and out of our home. I like being part of my story, as well as my kid's story. If I don't slow down long enough to print a photo and jot down a word then the story gets lost to the blur.

Family Life Album aka Project Life Week One Jamie Pate  |  @jamiepate

As last year was coming to an end, as I was thinking forward and developing my new intentions for the new year, and as the word CONNECT was coming into view as my One Little Word for 2017, I knew that I also needed to re-CONNECT with my story. With family life in photos + words.

Family Life Album aka Project Life Week One Jamie Pate  |  @jamiepate

I also knew that if this was going to be a new and fresh reality going forward that I was going to need to simplify the process big time.
Family Life Album aka Project Life Week One Jamie Pate  |  @jamiepate

That process started with week one of January. And it's funny, as the week was coming together in these pocket pages, I realized that this was exactly the way I USE to do 'Project Life'. My process was very clean, sort of minimalistic (which I am finding myself embracing in all areas of my life), and the focus was on story. So I am thinking if I am going to renew my commit level to this style of story telling, it is going to be scaled way down.
Family Life Album aka Project Life Week One Jamie Pate  |  @jamiepate

Don't get me wrong. I love me the stuff. The embellishments and the texture and the dimension and all that goes a long with my style of memory keeping. But for right now, and this may change again before the year is out, I need to keep this process as simple, yet still love what I am doing, as I can.
Family Life Album aka Project Life Week One Jamie Pate  |  @jamiepate
So welcome to a new year. I have already had questions about this process. My plan is to continue to unfold my thoughts and share those with you as I go. My desire is to blog weekly about these pages and how the album is coming together. This is because I think memory keeping is so important. You may not choose this method. And that's great! But maybe we can journey together as we continue to discover what works best for us. Because the blur. That darn blur!



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