
simplicity ~ bella blvd

Today is National Simplicity Day.

"It is well to find your employment and amusement in simple and homely things. These wear best and yield most". Henry Thoreau

Thoreau is credited with committing to a simple life and imploring others to do the same.  Ah...I dare say we in this culture have only created yet more complexity to our lives. A topic we could carry on for some time I am sure. I like to think that I at least attempt simplicity in those areas of my life where I think I can maintain it...it's a very hard thing.

How about you? Have you achieved a desired level of simplicity? I would love to hear.

Today I am up on the BellaBlvd blog sharing a little vellum envelope mini that was an exercise in creativity as well as simplicity. Hope you will grab a cuppa and join us over there.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful. I have been embracing minimalism this year and you have just inspired me to use "simply" as a theme for my Memorydex I am planning on creating very soon. Thanks Jamie. I love your creations. :)
