
hello july.

if you are anything like this family full o' kids...the summer is charging on busily with hot days, cool nights, pool time, kids on bikes all over the neighborhood and even some time outs for ice cream.

so today i have what i call "this that and the other thing" to share with you.
because i am just barely keeping up with all things these summer days...

first up is a post i did yesterday for heidiswapp.com celebrating what we Americans love to celebrate...July4th::

jmpgirl for heidi swapp >>> july 4 banner

it is that time of year again. which i love this time of year.
our neighborhood celebrates the fourth big time with an annual block party...

jmpgirl for rhonna designs >>> july4 invitation

i created an invitation using RhonnaDesigns for icons and fonts.
this one includes the following fonts::
insta patterns kit
plus a sunburst from the insta GEO kit

so if you are local...you are invited. it is always a great time with friends and family truly celebrating this amazing country.

speaking of RhonnaDesigns...
the countdown is ON...
the RhonnaDesigns photo editing app is almost up and live in the app store for iPhone.

Rhonna Designs App Showreel from Rosemary Watson on Vimeo.

isn't that video amazing???
Rosemary is one of Rhonna's Creative Team Members and she amazes!!!

o.k...in other news...

today on HeidiSwapp.com Maggie has made available a few free printables for last minute July4th decorating.
it's a great post and her generosity is wonderful.
plus...if one did not do it last minute...it probably would not get done.

oh...AND...one more thing!!!

STENCIL Magic started yesterday!!!
but it's still open and available till Friday the 5th for purchase. (that would be the day after the 4th.)
and it's only 19.99!!! it's a steal because she has done so much of the work for you already.
Heidi totally wows with so many stencil techniques utilizing her many fabulous stencils.
(i wonder how many times i can insert the word stencil in this paragraph?)
i mean seriously...
she has rocked my world and helped me explore and discover mod shine...
you will have to sign up for the classes to find out more about that.
you really need to.

o.k...off to the pool...
have a creative day.

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