
project life ~ week 14-17

Francis Chan recently stated: "Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things in life that don't really matter."

catching up with project life

Something that matters to me is telling this family's story.
To build a foundation of reminders of who we are right now...
and who we are becoming because of our journey.



As I sort and and edit photos
I remember..."oh...THAT was a tough day..."
and I very often self correct.


"What a fun time of it was THIS day"...
and ask myself why...
what made this day good?
And then attempt to repeat.
This always with a thankful heart for the gifts of my life.

added week in the life to project life album

Right now, for me, the greatest gift
of memory keeping is the accounting of time that it allows for me to preserve.
The more I practice the habit of observation and documentation,
the more I am thrilled by the process.
What is left in my wake.
That my children will remember that special day we celebrated an academic year well earned with sundaes on the back patio.
Or that they mourned the loss of the neighborhood 'grandma' at her funeral. The ugly in the midst of the beauty.
Or that day trip to the cousins farm running wild free with the wind in their hair and fully loving life.



This is something that matters to me.
And I look forward as the skill continues to be refined as I press on to tell our story.


  1. awesome pages Jamie and yes, you are capturing the essence of life, of what really matters and it shows ;-)

  2. Oh Jamie those words strike such a cord with me....just beautiful.....I sent you an email did you get it?

  3. Jamie-all are stunning. I agree with you about the process of memory keeping! So important! By the way, the daddy loved the pages you did after I added the photos! So thank you so much!!

  4. So, so beautiful! I absolutely love your Project Life pages and LOVE how much you stop to reflect on life and everything that it means to you. I truly do need to do this!
