
home again

back from SNAP2012.

i think it's safe to say an amazing time was had by all.

new friends.

new ideas.

new concepts.

new vision.

new goals.

new energy.

i especially love the new friends.

and i adore the new energy. needful to refuel.

the connections and friends are always such a healthy part to one of these weekends.

hearing what others are experiencing. working through. discovering.

hearing how we all have the same struggles. the same fears. the same hurdles to jump.

hearing how we have similar joys. and desires. and creative needs.

the power to speak outloud that which you want.

being able to hear from your heart the articulation of a dream...

is a.m.a.z.i.n.g. & scary....all at the same time.

i had the sweet opportunity to experience that very thing this past weekend.

sometimes we do not know why we are walking a path.

sometimes we do not know why we have to work so hard to move in a direction that makes no sense.

sometimes we are weary. we are sick. we are frustrated.

but always something is compelling us forward.

and to obey that voice. that call. that compulsion...can be sweet if it is seen to it's end.

so today is about encouragement.

encouraging you if something is moving you towards a place...

but you don't understand the call.

obey it anyway.

 Madeleine L'Engle spoke into me a long time ago:
"if we are given a gift—the size of the gift, great or small, is irrelevant—then most of us must serve it, like it or not".

so today...once again.
i get up.
i serve my gift.
i find my joy.

and more than anything i hope you find yours.

now go. create.


  1. Oh, how fabulous! I know this renewed your spirit!

  2. that photo of you laughing is awesome!

  3. That last picture is awesome. I simply LOVE it.

  4. very inspiring! Love that photo of you laughing-so cool!

  5. ah sweet lady...thank you for the comment.
    this post sums up all that was in my heart while we were there!
    i loved, loved, loved meeting you and can't wait to see you again at SPARK! i too love this picture...lots of laughs.:D

  6. Hello Lovely Jamie, I enjoyed meeting you at SNAP & I've been trying to get life out of the way so that I could stop by & see you. I love your blog & the beautiful projects you have displayed here. What a great style you have!

    Warmly, Michelle
