
april ~ one little word blog hop

Welcome to the April One Little Word blog hop.
(eta: I fell off the hop some how...if you would like to visit the official list, visit Margie our hostess.)

The prompt this month was take action with our word.
This was an easy, if you will, month for me, as my word requires action everyday.
From the beginning of the year, I have been writing down my gifts in my life daily.
The inspiration started when I read 1000 Gifts over the fall.

The book is a dare to live fully right where one is in their life.
The book is a dare to write gifts down daily.
The book is a dare to write down 1000 gifts.

My goal this past month was to get to 360 gifts...
I attained my goal and even surpassed it.

The second part of the prompt was to summarize how the month was accomplished by way of these actions. I love this approach to goal setting and reviewing.
Identify an action.
Write it down.
Follow through.
An excellent approach to any thing in life one is striving for.

The artistic approach of the month's prompt was simply to take the journaling prompt download and add to my olw album.
I cut the download in half, and used the Follow Your Heart papers from My Mind's Eye.
The first side includes a tag with the month March. (Not finding the font right now.)
And a chipboard piece with the word lovely that sums up this process for me.

The second side I let the paper speak for itself. Rhonna's designs and word art show up often in this album...and my word is moving me to a place of new found freedom and discovery, not too different from that sweet birds song.
I added little flags and banners and sewed them in place, to frame the documenting of my experience for March.

Thank you for visiting.
now go. create.


  1. Glad you left your link and enjoyed reading your post, thanks for sharing. Love that quote and agree naming, finding the next action and doing it then documenting it are ways to move forward in all parts of your life.

  2. Love everything about this Jamie! The small bird quote is wonderful and you turned this month's prompt templates into works of art.

    Thank you for leaving your blog link. I wouldn't have wanted to miss this month's creativity :)

  3. Jamie, so glad I came across your link through the comment you left on Jill's blog. Sorry you were missed from the list.

    I have heard about this book, 1000 Gifts but wasn't quite sure what its all about. However, after your post, I am going to go pick it up. Thanks!
